Welcome to IS academy

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"My name is Chifuyu Orimura. I will be looking forward to having you in my class." The woman, Chifuyu said.

I looked back to Tabane, but all she did was smile back at me.

...I was about to be sent off to an all girl's school... This...would...interesting to say the least.
I walked slowly behind Tabane's old friend and my new teacher, Chifuyu Orimura. She was strict but, was kind at the same time...Well, at least to Tabane. She acted like Mitsuru when she was around me, all business.

Anyway, after getting over the shock that I would be going IS academy, Tabane told me that my first day of school would two days from now. So, she gave me a bunch of money and sent me to go shopping for things I would need for school. Once I finished that, returned and finally was able to try out my new IS, which Tabane had named, "Persona".

That was certainly a time I wouldn't forget, especially considering what Tabane was able to accomplish.

"...Tabane....What is....?" I asked, shock evident in my voice.

My IS, being a fourth generation IS, looked newer and the color scheme was strangely... the same as my first persona, Orpheus. The IS consisted of robotic-like armor from my torso down to my waist, which was light blue in color. On my chest, there seemed to be a speaker, much like what Orpheus had on him. The arms and legs were like a normal IS's, but were silver, almost white in color. I felt something warm around my neck, and when I reached up and was shocked to find out it was a red scarf that looped around my neck and attached itself on my back. I looked behind my right shoulder to see another part of the IS. It hovered just behind my shoulder and arched around to three separate "feathers" to make what looked like a robotic wing. The same was behind my left shoulder, but that wasn't all that was behind me. Right behind the robotic wings, hovered what looked like....Orpheus's lyre...

I reached behind and grabbed the lyre, but I didn't expect it to start to change. My eyes widened in shock as the lyre started to wrap around my hand and turn into a silver rifle. I pulled the rifle from behind me and marveled at it. It felt like Orpheus's powers were in here.

"Oka-san...How did you..." I ask, still marveling at the rifle.

"It wasn't easy. First I needed to find a way for a persona to function with an IS, but I had no data whatsoever. Soo.... I decided to take another peek into the Kirijo group's archives again. They had all the information I needed. Your IS will only merge with any persona that has a deep connection to you, so only the three persona you told me about will work. Form: Orpheus is a long ranged IS capable of changing its weapon into any gun to suit your needs." Tabane explained.

I looked back at the rifle, closed my eyes, and concentrated. The rifle in my hands then started to change form once again. When I opened my eyes, I saw it change into a sniper rifle. This would be good for long distance, but would leave me wide open to close combat. When I concentrated again, it changed into two hand guns. These would worker a little better at close combat, but I would still be at a disadvantage.

"Now, your ammo is special. You may recognize it as Agi, Bufu, Zan, Zio, and so on. You may change the type of ammo with your mind, but I wouldn't really know about that part. Orpheus's weakness, as you may have noticed, is the fact that Orpheus lacks any type of close range weapon. The way to make up for that, is summon a persona to fight your opponent while you snipe at them from a distance." Tabane explained again.

"Wait... I can't summon persona. There's no dark hour." I tell Tabane.

"True, but I was able to recreate the conditions necessary to have a persona summoned. There were even reports where people were able to summon a persona without the dark hour, and I know that you used that evoker gun, but apparently, there is a way to summon a persona without it. Plus, I was able to integrate some of the same mechanics of the "Evoker", into the IS, just in case you needed help summoning, but be careful. The only way I was able to allow a persona to materialize, was to have some form of energy keeping the persona in the world... The energy from your shields." Tabane said, finally done explaining.

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