Chapter 15: Laughter Which Is Silenced By Sorrow

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Chapter Fifteen, Laughter Which Is Silenced By Sorrow

For weeks John barely ate, and his only thoughts were focused on Jessica. It seemed this so called "curse" that she was under, was very serious indeed. He visited her in the nurses' station when ever he could. Lindsay had seemed to have lost most of some her cheerfulness. And even Matt hadn't been bugging anyone as much, or making very many jokes. Tom even seemed to have gotten off Matt's case when he caught wind of the news of Jessica, which seemed to be spreading through the school like wildfire. Everywhere John went turned he heard whispers. Who were these people to gossip about his life? They didn't even know Jessica! Yet the gossiped, as the whole ordeal was some sort of fascination story, instead of real life. John sighed, it had been nearly two weeks since the incident...and he still couldn't think of any thing. Everyday he racked his brains, hoping, praying that he would think of something. But nothing seemed to come to his exasperated mind.

It happened at lunch the next day, as Matt, Lindsay and he were eating their solemn meal.

"John...?" Lindsay asked him quietly.

John swallowed a mouth of his sandwich, "Yeah?"

"Have you looked up curses in the library? Like vampire's curses and they're antidotes?"

John stared at her blankly for a second as though he couldn't interpret what she was saying. The library, why hadn't he thought of that?

"Well have you?"

"To tell you the truth the thought didn't cross me mind." He smiled weakly.

"Ha...the library eh? And you never thought of it?" Matt piped in.

"Did you think of it Matt?"

"Well...not exactly..."

"I rest my case."

"Well why are we wasting time talking? Let's go guys!" Lindsay said, pulling the group back on track.

The three discarded their half eaten lunch and went immediately to the library. John and Matt still were shocked that none of them had thought to look up curses until now. That was Lindsay for you though, the brains of the operation.

Matt claimed a table at the back of the room so they could have some privacy, while Lindsay searched the various books. John sat down heavily, still dumbfounded that he hadn't considered the library before. Lindsay returned with a large book, which looked as though it hadn't been opened in years. It was old and tattered, and a blanket of dust covered its surface. Lindsay blew, and the dust floated away. John could just barely make out the title, Vampire Curses and Cures.

"Looks complicated..." Matt inquired.

"Well they don't exactly have a 'Vampire Curses for Dummies' book Matt. This book was written a while ago, and there aren't many books on vampires published to date." Lindsay said.

"Figures..." Matt sighed.

John smiled despite their situation. Leave it to Matt to make the most dramatic moments funny...

Lindsay opened the book carefully, as though she was worried the ancient book would disintegrate. She scanned the index.

"What type of curse do you think is the one Jessica has?" She asked.

"Umm...sleeping curses?" Matt asked hopefully.

"Ok, we'll try that then." Lindsay said, flipping the pages of the book. "I think I've found it!" she announced after a few more minutes passed. She began reading...

"Vampire sleeping curses are some of the most mysterious curses known to us so far. Although our re-search is limited, we know a few facts. There are three ways to inflict a sleeping curse. One is the bite the victim on the neck. The second is to use an object, or drink of some substance. And the third is to use a spell. Although these curses are all inflicted different ways, they can be reversed if possible at the time, in two ways. For example, if the curse which has been placed on the victim is untreated, the victim may turn into a vampire themselves, wake up with amnesia, enter a coma, or in some cases, even die. These curses can prove to be fatal, if not treated as soon as possible. There are a few known ways to reverse the effects of this curse. There are certain "spell lifter" items that may "wake up" a person. These items are usually ones close the person, which brings a rush of positive memories back to them, and vanquishes the curse. The items should have positive memories, or the victim may feel more hopeless, and the effects will gradually get worse. The others that have been rumored to work are rituals, which may help the person to "wake up."

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