Chapter Five "Answers Part-Two"

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The wolf flew through the town, spraying water on the side-walk.

            “What do you mean, his lackeys? Why should I trust you?! I don't even know your name.” I said as realization dawned on me.

            “My name is Alexander. And I assume that Christian believes you took a run for it, and he couldn’t let his valuable possession leave.”

            “Valuable possession? What are you talking about?”

            He did a humorless laugh. “If you don't know what I am talking about, then he didn't tell you everything. He didn't tell you he was—” A car slammed into the back of ours and suddenly we were spinning out of control. A gasp left my lips before the side of my head slammed into the window. Stars danced before my eyes. I felt the car slam to a halt, and hands reach over and unbuckle me.

            “Schuyler, come on.” A voice demanded as they ripped me from my seat. “Damn.” He cursed.

            “Well, what do we have here?” A voice said. I blink my eyes hard, trying to see anything other than stars. Once my vision cleared I saw Christian and a few other guys standing in front of Alexander and me. I felt a growl emanate through Alexander’s chest. It was then that I realized he was holding me against him. “Hush, pup.” Christian said as I pulled myself away from Alexander.

            “What did you tell her, more lies?” Alexander accused.

            “I don't see how that is any of your concern, dog.”

            “Don't you dare address me by that term when you yourself are as much of a dog as I am, if not more.” Alexander growled.

            I shook my head, trying to clear my clouded mind and process what was going on.

            “What is he talking about, Christian?”

            “Tell her, Chris. Tell her how you lied to her, how you always betray those who trust you.”

            “Get rid of that mutt.” Christian said and the men behind him moved forward. I have never seen those men before. That struck me as odd, I lived with Christian for four years, I should know everyone he knew.

            “No!” I yelled. “Not until someone gives me the truth, the real truth.” I said, standing in front of Alexander. He was my only way to my answers.

            Christian pulled a gun out of its holster. He aimed at me and my eyes grew wide. He wouldn’t shoot me, would he? He shot and when it hit me the pain wasn’t as bad as I thought it would have been. Instead of excruciating pain a numbing sensation spread through my veins. I looked to see where the bullet had pierced me and instead of a bullet, a dart was implanted in my skin. Oh, he was simply knocking me out.

            I fell forward, but Alexander’s large hands caught me before I fell.

            “You truly are a monster.” Alexander said.

            “If the shoe fits.” Christian’s voice said before black swallowed my vision.


                When I finally surfaced, my hands were tied behind my back and my legs were tied against the legs of the chair. I tugged against the ropes, seeing if they were loose.

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