Second Journey

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Jan. 4th, 2010, 23:50pm, Empalme, Ecuador


At 12:00 midnight, some brother's from church arrived at my house, then the media arrived, and everything was recorded.

As I was on the bed, suddenly, I saw two angels. Like before, they took my hands and said, "Get up, because the King of kings and Lord of lords is waiting for you." As I got up, I saw my body lying there, and the other people that were in the room. I began walking. I stretched my hands out to the angels and we started heading upwards. We were going up very quickly, and in just a matter of seconds we arrived before the Lord. I heard the Angels worshiping, "Hallelujah...Holy, Holy." I was so happy.

In the Kingdom of God was the most beautiful garden. I saw the Lord approaching me. He said, "Daughter, I have been waiting for you, because I have many things to tell you", "Lord, here I am, I want to stay with You. I don't want to return to Earth, please let me stay with You." The Lord replied, "My child, you have many things to do. You have to work, you have to carry out My work. I will show you something for your life, something for My people, and something special for mankind, because I want to save humanity and do not want anyone to perish."

Then, I saw two angels, Michael and Gabriel holding huge scrolls; these scrolls were very beautiful and glittering. As I was looking at those scrolls, I asked, "What is this?" and Jesus said, "Do you want to know what is in the scrolls?" I replied, "Yes Lord." He said, "Michael, open it." As the Angel Michael began to open the scroll, I could see gold lettering, like numbers, but I didn't understand it. I thought, "what's is this?", and the Angel Michael replied, "All these letters and numbers you see written here are those people on Earth that have accepted our Lord as their only Savior, through the experience that you have had with Him." I was so excited and asked him, "How many are there?" He gave me the total number of souls in the thousands.

I was heartbroken and began to cry, saying, "Lord those are many souls that have converted", He responded, "You see, this angel, Angel Gabriel has the total number of those people who were alienated from My ways and have now come to Me, they have come to Me My child." I glanced at the number and noticed it was a great amount. I said, "Lord that means my crown is full of pearls and that you are going to leave me here in Your Kingdom?" The Lord responded, "No My child, your time is not yet, you have to return to Earth. Would you like to see your crown?"

Very excited I replied, "Oh yes Lord, I would like to see my crown," He said, "Angel Gabriel, bring her crown." I saw Gabriel carrying a very large tray, with a beautiful crown, but with few pearls on it. I asked, "Lord, whose crown is this?" He replied, "That is your crown My child." I asked, "But Lord, why is my crown not full of pearls, if many souls have come to You Lord?" He replied, "Daughter, yet a long path awaits for you, only 3,500 souls have come to My presence, but you have to go and preach My Word because there are still many souls that have to come to Me." "But Lord, why can't I stay?" He told me, "Daughter, because the Crown of Life has to be full of pearls." I said, "Fine Lord, I will carry out your work." Then He said, "I have something to show you My child."

The Lord took me, and we rapidly descended from heaven into a tunnel of hell, just like the first time when I experienced Hell. I said, "Oh! Lord, what is happening?" Jesus said, "I have something to show you in hell," "But Lord I don't want to be here. Lord, remember our first experience, you already showed me many things", He said, "Yes My child, but now different things I will show you."

The Lord Took Angelica for the 2nd Time (Angelica Zambrano)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن