Part 1

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"What?" I asked with my mouth full of food.

"Yeah, I got you an interview with my brother Ren!" my friend said, happily. 

"And what exactly does he do?" I asked, putting down my store bought sandwich. 

"He is the CEO of Pixie." she answered, taking a sip of my lemonade. 

I took it from her and washed down whatever was in the back of my throat. "So I'd be working as an assistant?" I questioned. "You know how I feel about that."

"Hey, it's better than working at a convenience store." she put her hands on her hips. "Come on Vivian, it'll be an amazing opportunity."

I sighed. "Anything with the name Cavanaugh is a great opportunity." I said, opening my Chips Ahoy cookies. 

My best friend since first grade, Jamie Cavanaugh comes from an extremely wealthy family. Her mother is a lawyer. Her father was the CEO for the amazing fashion magazine for Pixie and now I guess her brother is. Jamie herself professions in dentistry at age twenty three. Her whole family is filled with professionals. It's almost annoying, yet I loved her to death. 

I shook my head, chewing. "I thought you never talk to your brother?" I asked, swallowing. 

She shrugged. "We don't, but I'm kind of his assistant finder now because he can't seem to like anyone he hires." she answered. "So when he called me, you were the first person I thought of."

"But he doesn't remember me, does he?" I asked, hopefully. 

"Please, it took him two hours to finally realize who I was talking about. That's how awful he is. But, gotta love him. Am I right?" she answered. 

"Great." I groaned. "Jamie, I really appreciate you doing this, but I really can't." I told her standing up. 

She gave me her nervous laugh. "You kinda have to do this." 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Because you already have an interview tomorrow morning." she forced a smile. 

I bit my lip to contain my anger. "Tomorrow is my only free day." I told her. Before she could say anything I added: "And that's exactly why you did it."

She sighed. "Come on Viv, do you really want to spend the rest of your youth working at a run down convenient store on Corner Street?"

I looked at her. "I might be able to squeeze into my old pencil skirt." I muttered. 

Her face brightened instantly, she threw her arms around my neck. "Thank you! You will not regret it!" she said as she ran down the street to her car. 

I shook my head. I hope not. 

*     *     *

"This is bull." I muttered. "Janice! What happened to my presentation?" I called from my office. When I received no reply I let out a deep growl. I got up and went over to my assistants desk where she was quivering with fear. "Janice?" I asked. 

She looked up at me and tried to smile. "Y-yes sir?" 

"Where is my presentation? I told you to put it on my desk this morning." I asked, trying to be gentle.

She bit her lip. "Well, I did have it." she told me. "But it seems that I have accidentally shredded it in the paper shredder." she finished quietly.

"You did what?" I asked, not really wanting to hear the answer again. "Janice, I have a meeting with the Board in ten minutes. What the hell?"

She bit down on her lip even harder. "I'm sorry sir."

"Well, an I'm sorry wont cut it." I snapped. "You're fired. Pack your things and leave." I spat. 

She nodded and I left her to her sobbing. Jesus, no one knows how to do their job around here. I shook my head as I walked back into my office. 

"Mr. Cavanaugh?" 

I turned around to see Gabriel running up to me. "What is it? I am having an internal crisis." I rubbed my temples. 

"Just that sir." he said, holding out a thumb drive.

"What is this?" I asked. 

"Your presentation." Gabriel answered. "Knowing how clumsy Janice is I made a copy and filed it onto here. A projector is all set up in the conference room." 

I took the drive. "Thank you. I would lose my head if you weren't here."

He nodded. "Yes sir."

I sighed. "I know that she's your cousin but that isn't an excuse. If this is her professional behavior than, I can't have that."

"Understood." Gabriel nodded and left my office. 

One week later...

"Sabrina!" I yelled. "If you cared more about your work and less about your face I wouldn't be having this conversation with you." 

"I am sorry sir, but people who walk in here need to see what beauty is." she told me as she smacked on her gum. 

"If you think your face got you this job you are dead wrong." I snapped. "I thought you were actually good at what you do."

She shrugged. "Not my fault you can't see my potential." 

I cleared my throat. "I can't see it because it's not there." I told her. "Your fired. Get out."

She stared at me in disbelief. "What? You can't do that." she complained. 

"Yes I can, I call the shots here. Your fake face and Jersey accent annoy me. Now leave." I growled. 

Two weeks later...

"That't the third time you've spilled coffee on me." I said slowly. 

"I-I'm s-s-sorry sir." she stuttered. "Y-you j-j-ust appear out o-of nowhere." 

I let out a long sigh. "Please leave the office." I told her. 

I walked into my office ignoring her apologies. 

"Don't you think you were a bit hard on her?" Gabriel asked me. 

I scoffed. "If she knew how to do her job, I would go a little easier." I sat down in my coffee soaked suit. 


"What I need you to do right now Gabriel is get me a new suit. I don't need you butting into my problems."

He nodded and left without any further ado. I picked up my phone and dialed a number I knew by memory. 

"Jamie? Yeah, I need your help." I sighed. "Yes I fired another one. Don't take that tone with me. Jeez, just help me out." I groaned. "Who? Who is Vivian Turner?"

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