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As he flipped through some papers I sat quietly and patiently. Looking at him now, he was a total different person. The tall scrawny boy down the hall from my best friends room is not what was in front of me. Instead, I got an American Eagle model. Yeah sure he was still tall, but instead of weirdly skinny he grew up in all the right places. Broad shoulders, a jawline that looked so sharp it could cut. Wonderful cheekbones and stunning hazel eyes that seemed unreal. I couldn't believe that I knew this boy, but at the same time I knew nothing of him. 

"Vivian Turner."

I looked up at him. "Yes."

"Use to work for Dream?" he questioned. 

I bit my lip. "Yeah, I was Henry Wells assistant." I answered. 

He frowned. "I can see that." he tapped his pen on his desk. "Now you are currently working a full time job at a convenience store on Corner Street?" 

I nodded. "That is correct."

He put down his pen. "If you already have a job why do I have an appointment with you?" he asked. 

I thought he was joking at first, but then I saw the sincerity in his eyes. He was completely serious.  "Uh, well-" I bit my lip. "Your sister actually-"

"Yes I know what my sister did, but if you didn't want the job you wouldn't be here." he told me. "Why are you here?" 

Well, I kinda quite my job on a whim so you better give it to me. "I'm getting sick of working full time and getting paid for part." I answered honestly. 

He nodded. "Well you do have experience." he muttered. "It says here that you got fired, any idea why?" he asked.

This was not the Ren Cavanaugh that I knew when we were kids. "Henry said that they were overstaffed. He didn't need me anymore." I answered. 

He only slightly raised his eyebrow. "Figures. Henry Wells only cares about two things: himself and his money. Don't expect anything else from him." 

"I'm not." I answered rather quickly. 

He stared at me. "Well, for someone who fired he left you with a rather good preference." he told me. 

I shrugged. "I guess he wanted me to stay on his good side." I said. 

Ren smirked. "And now look at you. Applying for the rival company." 

I shifted uncomfortably in my leather chair. "Yeah, here I am." I said. 

He cleared his throat. "Well, we'll see how good you are. You start first thing in the morning. You can leave."

After I left his office I took a deep breath. "Jesus what the hell was that?" I asked myself. 

"You the new one?" someone asked. 

I turned around. A man in his late twenties was smiling at me. He was in a blue dress shirt and had rather expensive shoes on. he was a little taller than me (me being 5'7), and had nice blonde hair. 

"Yeah, I guess so." I smiled weakly. 

"Well, don't let him intimidate you. He's a nice guy once you get to know him." he smiled. "I'm Gabriel by the way." he held out his hand. "I work on the second floor as a designer."

I shook it. "Hi, Vivian Turner. Assistant, but you already knew that." 

He let out a soft laugh. "Yeah, hes gone through almost four this month." he gave me a worried look. "Just don't mess up and you'll be fine."

I laughed. "Thanks." I said nervously. "Well I should go. It was nice meeting you." I said. 

Gabriel nodded and left to go inside Ren's office. 

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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