My Cheap Shots at Poetry

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Hi if you're reading this then thanks :) I just thought I'd have a go at doing some poetry so feel free to give constructive criticism since I've literally never done ANY poetry before! The poems are not a way I get my feelings out or anything so if they sound depressing then thats only cause I want them to be not because I'm depressed or anything! Aha...


When life gets hard,

And I feel like breaking down,

All else and everyone else,

Fails to understand,

That life is never fair,

Because they think it is for them,

When really the truth is,

That life isn't fair,

But life isn't fair for everyone,

So that makes,

Life fair.


I thought that life got easier,

Once you were past the hard,

Once you were past the harsh and hostile,

Once you were past the past,

But life ony got harder,

As day to day passes by,

Rigorous wondering what life wouldn't been like,

If I hadn't started the hard in the start,

My greed had taken me further,

Blinded me from the facts,

That life wasn't always easy,

And that it wasn't always to last.


Life is like a belly button,

You are either in or out,

But who that made this up,

Was in or out?

For everyone guessing,

That they were in,

Because that is the target,

To be part of life,

To be IN life,

And to have your belly button pointing inward.

But for whose is pointing outwards,

In all literality,

It is just a figuring metaphor,

Because those who have outies,

Can of course still be Innies.


And that's all I have now but I will try to add more later. The last one sounds pretty wierd - I think you can guess why, but if you know what it really means then it isn't exactly wierd. I am pretty sure I also made up a couple words in those poems.. - but they sound real enough to me so I guess that's all that matters! I got my inspiration for the poems from quotes and sayings. So please leave some feeback and tell if its good or bad and I'll love you for it!

And also as I said at the start thanks for taking your time to read this! If you are reading this sentence now that also means that you read everything up to here and didn't just stop reading at the first sentence which is always good! :) x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2012 ⏰

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