Shivanjali : The Thickening

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E X T E N D E D - S U M M A R Y


In the Historical fantasy land of Chitrakant, there were five dynasties established by the five Satyashiva siblings, Amarendra, Raghuvendra, Rajendra, Mahendra, and Anandasena. Amarendra became ruler of the Mahamela Dynasty, Raghuvendra became ruler of the Madhoosudana dynasty, Rajendra became ruler of the Moksha Dynasty, Anandasena became ruler of the Maheshpati dynasty, and Mahendra became ruler of the Mauria Dynasty. All remained well between the five dynasties until Amarendra married a rival kingdom's member, Srividya, causing the begining of havoc between Amarendra and his older sister Anandasena and the two dynasties.

No ties were cut between the dynasties but tensions continued to arise, involving the other brother's of the family. Anandasena married the second cousin of family, Shishupaul and gave birth to a daughter, Parvati, and a son Krishnaganta. Amarendra and his wife Srividya gave birth to a son, Sricharan.

Meanwhile, Mahendra and his wife Kirthika had given birth to a daughtet, Shivagami. Shivagami grew to be a strong leader of her dynasty as well as being a fast learner. She skilled in archery and sword fighting, and soon enough was crowned queen of the dynasty after her father passed away.

Shivagami later married Haricharan and gave birth to a daughter, Supriya. Supriya later married Raghunath and gave birth to Shantipriya

Raghuvendra remained childless.

Rajendra married Madhupriya and gave birth to the future king of the Moksha empire, Devshankar. Devshankar married Divyamala and gave birth to Vidyalakshmi

All the king's of each dynasty passed soon on, but the Queen's remained in rule. 

Sricharan, son of Amarendra and Srividya was a strong warrior in battle with his fist and weapons and was the greatest prince the land of Mahamela had ever laid eyes on. When he grew older, he married Nandevika after winning her over in a Swayambaram. God Agni and conducted the warrior to win her over.

Anandasena's daughter, Parvati, had soon taken over the throne after her brother's tradgic death. Although she was still alive, Anandasena was determined to get her daughter married to the fairest most beloved warrior in the dynasty.

Parvati married Eklavya, a warrior of strength and had soon given birth to a daughter, Vaishnavika. 

Soon, Sricharan and Nandevika gave birth to a beautiful princess names Shivanjali. Shivanjali was a goddess, pure beauty and the qualities of an unordinary being. She was also a strong warrior, the strongest in all the dynasties. Of the villagers, she was favored for her kindness and determinedness.

Anandasena and Parvati, after seeing this became enraged and forced Vaishnavika to become even stronger and train harder.

Shivanjali will have to battle for her life through love and hate, duty and unrighteousness, guilt and pain when she meets Anand and Bala whom she both loves, and how will Vaishnavika, her second cousin, get tangled in beads of love.



Princess Shivanjali Satyashiva of the Mahamela Dynasty played by Anushka Shetty

Princess Shivanjali Satyashiva of the Mahamela Dynasty played by Anushka Shetty

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