Chapter two

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After I finished packing I called Isabelle and told her if she was almost done packing. She said she was already finished so we decided to say our final goodbyes and start heading to la. "Bye Mom and Dad I'll miss you alot!" I said to them. "Bye sweetie Bye Isabelle have fun in la and be safe!!!" My parents said as we we're heading out the door. "I'm gonna miss your parents alot they were pretty cool and funny." Isabelle said. "I'mma miss your parents more lol" I said as we we're headed to the airport to fly to la. (A/n: I've never been on a plane before lol 😂)
°time skip to when they land in la•
"OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE WERE FINALLY HERE!!" Me and Isabelle said at the same time. (A/n: both of there parents make a lot of money so that's how they got the house by the wdw boys if that makes sense 😂) "Karla I'm kinda scared what if we have creepy stalker neighbors" "Isabelle I'm pretty sure we don't" I said laughing as we got in my car headed to our new house.
Karla's car:

-Skip car ride-

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-Skip car ride-

"OMG this house is so cool!!" We both said at the same time. "How come that looks like the why don't we boys house?" Isabelle asked. "Omg what if it is there house!!!" I said.
Isabelle's p.o.v:
Our next door neighbors house looks alot like the why don't we boys house. "After we finish unpacking we should go introduce ourselves to the neighbors." I said. "Yeah that sounds like a good plan." Karla said. As we we're unpacking we played Why don't we. When air of the night came on me and Karla started dancing and laughed alot. "Ok and we're finished packing!" We both said at the same time.
Daniels p.o.v:
Me and the boys were outside in the backyard when we noticed we had new neighbors. They were two girls they were really cute. I could tell they were fans cause they were wearing our merch. "Guys we have new neighbors don't scare them off" I said laughing. "We should go introduce ourselves to them later on" Zach said. We went in the pool for a little and then got ready to go see the neighbors.
Jack's p.o.v:
As Daniel said early we have new neighbors and one of them are really cute. She had on a shirt that said Avery on it. "Bro come on hurry up I want to see the new neighbors already!!" Jonah and Corbyn yelled at me in usion . "Ok don't worry I'm on my way" (a/n: see what I did there 😂😏) 
Third person p.o.v:
Isabelle and Karla we're getting ready to go see the neighbors and the boys were getting ready to go see the girls and introduce themselves.
A/n: Hey guys! It's me Karla I finally updated the second chapter :D lol sorry for the lag though. Anyhow Logan released the second verse. I thought it was cool. Welp third chapter coming out tm or this week since I'm on summer break. Vote,comment, and share. Also the two girls who are Jonah and Zach's girlfriends  you'll be in the  story to so don't  worry. Peace be lit Be a Maverick
Word count:556

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