Chapter Two

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(A/N I'd just like to point out that in this story Norman is older than he is in the film, about 16-17, so that's the actor who plays him instead of pictures from the film as he looks older)

When we were inside, the yellow boy began looking around, a sneer on his face. "If you don't like it you could always leave." I offer hopefully, causing Norman to snicker. I tuned out as he started making snarky remarks about everything. "I think I'll head upstairs, he's giving me a headache." I whisper to Megsie. She nods in agreement and I start up the stairs when I hear him say: "except this.." I look at why he might be referring to and spot the jam that Norman and his siblings spent months making. My eyes widen and I immediately run back downstairs as Norman's expression darkens.

"Put. The jam. Down." He orders. The boy (Cyril, was it?) ignores him.

"You touch it, and I'll mash you." Megsie threatens. The infuriating boy pulled off the cover of the jam. "Oops. Touched it." He said, an annoying smirk on his face.

Norman starts running after Cyril. Megsie and Vincent follow him, letting out battle cries. This goes on for a while. "Celia, catch!" The boy calls out, sliding the jam across the table towards his sister. My eyes widen as the girl appears to be zoned out, daydreaming about... shoes?

I try to catch the jam as it slides forward past me but it's too late. The jam slides off the table and shatters on the floor.

Everything is silent for a moment, then Norman says "That's it. They die." I agree.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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