Epilogue (and a/n)

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     One year later, in a now two story building, there are three very happy people living together. There's a housewife that does all the cleaning and cooking (he learned from the professional) named Levi, and the two that go out on adventures to the great unknown, just like they had always wanted to. There little adventures, though, were usually only one day long because they would hate to leave Levi all alone. He's lost too many people in his life and couldn't risk anyone else he truly loved. 

     All this was left, along with a very confused author at the bull crap that she had written. (Srsly I could've done so much better.)

     Okie a lot of you were disappointed that that was the end, but I didn't know how to wrap it up any other way. It would've went on forever... 

Anyway I was tagged and... Well, this is awkward... I've never been tagged before...

The person who tagged me is @baileygarrison24 so go read her books

Okie on to the questions~

     Fav. color(s) -White, grey, black and indigo

     Worst fear(s)- Being alone ༼ つ TT-TT ༽つ

     Where I'm from- 'Merica xD (I kinda wish I wasn't)

     Pet(s)- 2 doggos, both poodles. Their names are Lemmy and Tucker (。◕‿◕。)

     What type of dere am I- Dandere (>///<)

     Favorite band- I have a few but at the moment Paramore

     Sport(s)- Swim and soccer

     Favorite show- Bananya... C'mon that's obvious. 

     Friends- Zen, Yoosung, Jahee, Jumin, and 707.... hahaha

     Do I have a crush- (All of the above) (¬‿¬) jk

Okie i'm probably not gonna post this but if I do then please find me as soon as possible before I die.


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