The boy in the Dress

22 1 13


I honestly really like this book and I'm going to check it out sounds pretty good tbh 

I made 2 hope u like them :)

I made 2 hope u like them :)

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I have another picture of a man in a dress if you don't like this one so just let me know if you want another one (the other one is a really tough guy in a dress so if this guy is too wimpy let me know)

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I have another picture of a man in a dress if you don't like this one so just let me know if you want another one (the other one is a really tough guy in a dress so if this guy is too wimpy let me know)

If you use any of these in your book please give me credit for them

SHAMELESS PLUG: go check out my other books please not manditory but u kno it would be nice

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