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Amy Nelson

"Captain Amy is needed on the main deck" Amy sits up as she stretches "Athena, what is the problem?" She says as she gets up and throws on her white stockings, which had sparkling glitter all over. Adding on her black dress, which is her uniform, that had a ring/star as the logo. "The ship is starting to get out of control" Signe screamed over the intercom that went through her cabin. She runs to out of her cabin and down the hall passing many people of the crew "how are we losing control?" She asked as she ran into the room seeing her co-captians "Athena has lost control after we passed the planet Jupiter" as she ran over to the controls and seeing the problem, she could tell that the ship was going to crash into an unknown planet. Amy runs over to an inner com to talk with the whole crew of the ship "attention, this is not a drill. We need a full evacuation of the ship, set the coordinates back to Leaksini in your pods. Good luck and may you get home safely." She could hear the crew leaving in pods as she looked back to Mary and Signe "what are you both still doing here?" They look at each other as they hold hands, "we are in this together" Signe says as she walks to her and holds her hand as they try everything to slow down the ship enough to at least land safely and try to fix the problem. Which Mary manages to only a little bit, they were still out of control. As they got through the atmosphere, of the surface of the planet, they land on a huge field in the middle of no where. As Signe and Mary step out of the ship to fix the problem, Amy tries everything to see if something was broken inside.

~2 Hours Later~

Amy called out to her team "Signe this is Amy let me know what's going on" ... There was silence. She then tries to contact Mary "Mary if you can hear me please answer" ... Nothing again, she starts getting worried and then starts hearing the ship open, Amy goes through another way out of the ship and sees black vehicles and men with guns pointing at the ship. She starts to panic as she couldn't find Mary and Signe anywhere. Amy finally finds a way to run once the gun men started moving the ship that was following the vehicles that had the gun men. She was alone in the field as the sky was black, she didn't know what to do. She couldn't contact home, and her ship was gone and so was her friends. When she was walking, a vehicle drives up to her and scrolls the window down "ma'am do you need a ride somewhere" she looks over and grins "yes that would be nice, but where is the button to open the your thing?" The women gave her a confused look but opened the door for her "ah, fliks" Amy says which was thanks on her planet. The women laughs and smiles, then asked "where do you need to go?" As she drives, Amy looks at her and shrugs "I honestly don't know where I am, could you help me?" The women smiles and nods "you can stay with me and my boyfriend until we get you back home." Amy smiles and says thanks again in her language.

As the vehicle parks in front of an apartment, Amy and the women got out of the car and Amy followed her into the place. "Oh I never got your name" the woman said as Amy looks up at her "my name is Amy Nelson" she smiles and the women unlocks the door then says "my name is Marzia." Amy will always remember that name. And as we know it, the story begins now...
I am super excited on how this turned out. If I messed up anything let me know, so I could fix it and also let me know how I did. 😄

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