[Chapter2] His name?

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"And you gave him your number?!"

"yeah" I say  sheepishly 

"Dammmmmmn girl I never thought you would do that kind of thing, aren't you just a hit and run kinda gal", this is my friend Emily, shes been my friend since middle school and now we are adults. She has a boyfriend and of course I don't. At one point she tried to get me one, but it failed.

 The sides of her lips curl into a curious smile, "so is he cute?

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 The sides of her lips curl into a curious smile, "so is he cute?... No... hot?! "

"Yeah I guess" My face was heating up

"Was he good?"

"I dont know what you mean" My mouth is dry,

"The sex! Dummy!" She says a bit louder than i would have liked, but thats Emily for you.

"Yeah i g-guess" I stutter

Ugh! What am I doing?! Snap out if it!

"What are you going to do?"

"huh?...oh...I don't know yet"

"Are you going to ignore him?"

"I don't know" I'm getting kinda annoyed, Emily is known to have a lot of questions but still...

She takes a sip of her over priced coffee from a coffee shop she makes us go to for girl talk, I don't like it but she pays for it. "Do you like him?" Her curled smile turns to a mischievous grin. And I don't like it.

     Under panic for a stupid reason I yell out loud"I DONT KNOW! I JUST MET HIM AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! I MIGHT BUT IM SCARED!"... I look around, everyone in the shop is looking at me, even the coffee machines stopped humming. I ran out with Emily still at the table with a dumbfounded look on her face. She probably thought I was going to say something like "hell no" or " like hell". Even I was surprised about what words came from my mouth.

I busted the shop door open and I was so fast I crashed into someone.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry I just...", It was him. Sitting on the concrete he gets up first and holds out his hand.

"Funny seeing you around here"

... Time skip brought to you by over priced coffee

     We started walking and some how we ended up at the city park. I could see his breath flow out of his mouth as we sat on a bench, snow at our feet, in front of a pond. It was romantic BUT I SHOULDNT THINK LIKE THAT!... He is hot and nice and funny. Damn this is hard, I didn't know what to say. But then he did.

"Can we go on a date?"

My face turns red and most likely not from the cold "I-I...."

"Sorry if it was out of the blue but I want to see more of you, other than just having a number, you kind of left me on a clift hanger back at your place."

I swallowed, trying to pass the lump in my throat. Why was I feeling like this? What is wrong with me? "Look I don't to date guys--"


"I just, I'm not really into dating guys or the whole love thing in general "

"hm" I could hear it in his voice he was sad

"Maybe we could hang out sometime?" As I said this his head perked up. I knew something, but I didn't know what yet...

"Would you like to go to the movies Sunday?"

"Depends... only if its not a chick flick" I say flashing that same smirk he gave me that morning.

"Hey stop takin my thing!" he said in a playfully-angry way and to be truly honest since no one can hear this it was kinda hot. I mean the dude is hotter than firer and I'm just going to be friends. some people may think I'm crazy but its not my thing. I just do it one time.

Thinking of that reminded me

"oh yeah and one other thing" i say slightly changing the topic to something kinda serious-ish

"what" his voice had some confusion in it and i could understand why.

"What happened last night, with you and me hooking up,"


"If we're going to be cool then we gotta forget about it and any other stuff like that in the future and plus we probably didn't remember much anyway" as the words rolled off my tongue i felt a casual/ serious vibe which doesn't normally come from me. What was this guy doing to me?

" oh yeah I totally get it" the situation defiantly just got all awkward-ish...

Our conversation went silent


"Huh?" I gave him a confused look

"My name is Jay... I got your name but you rushed out the door before I could tell you mine"

     As he said this I got that weird feeling again. I was getting kinda hot and there is snow at our feet. I better tighten up before he gets power. I haven't had to think like this in say, ten years? am I going soft? Dammit! And again under a moment of panic I stupidly kicked some snow at my feet and let me tell you I never was good at soccer so the snow flew up in the air and came back down, covering us in the frosty wonderland flakes. He busts out laughing and my face went red. Lets just say from frustration and the cold.

"Man that was impressive! but what was that for!? Ha Ha!"

"Whatever I got to get going! You have my number and see you Sunday!"  I got up and he pulled on the bottom of my coat and plopped me back on the bench, kissed my cheek, got up and as he turned to walk away I could see that same stupid smirk. That idiot doesn't know who he's playin with.

Hope you guys enjoyed that! I hope people will actually read this, i worked hard on it. Anyways CC OUT!

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