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*Favorite Movies
- These are some of my favorite movies that I watch all the time. There are a lot more, but these are the ones that first come to mind

●White Chicks

●Easy A

●Halloween (All time favorite horror movie, I love watching people make dumb decisions😂🤗)

●Zombie Land

●The Avengers

●Deadpool (Funniest sh*t ever)

●Suicide Squad

●Logan (1/2 super hero movies that I've cried at)

●Batman (With Michael Keaton)

●The Mummy (1999)

●Indiana Jones Series

●London Has Fallen

●Forest Gump


●The Phantom of the Opera

●Paranormal Activity (The fifth one is the only horror movie I've ever screamed at...oops 😣😂)

●The Taking of Deborah Logan (I refuse to watch this ever again, it's on here because it's one of the scariest movies I've ever seen....😓👹)

●Friday the 13th

●Mean Girls

●World War Z

●Lampoon Family Vacation (I love these movies so much❤)

●V for Vendetta

*Comment some movie suggestions or what your favorite movies are 😛❤💭📽

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