Entry Form for Judges [OPEN]

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Last year we had a HUGE problem with judges disappearing on us leaving a lot of unplanned judging to be completed. Because of that, we were unable to successfully complete our awards. Now, if you want to be a judge, you must be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you will be able to complete your task. Also, you are only able to judge a MAX of TWO genres for safety reasons. Please don't apply if you are not sure that you will complete your job. Please... And if you want to judge more than TWO genres. You must finish judging the assigned genres and books given before asking for more. Again, this is only to avoid anything like what happened last year from happening again! Now, apply away!

 Again, this is only to avoid anything like what happened last year from happening again! Now, apply away!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Comment your form here.

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