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Jinyoung could only stare after Mark as the older boy leadYoungjae from the room, his heart dropping at the loss of two of his safety nets. His head was spinning slightly, the warm burn of alcohol making his cheeks flush red. However, with the lack of moral support he suddenly felt far too sober, cracking open another beer in a hurry. Jackson was on his feet only moments after Mark departed, a sudden urgency in his eyes, wishing Jinyoung and Jaebum goodnight as he scuttled towards his bedroom.

'Kids can't hold their drink.' Jaebum grumbled, moving to set his empty can on the table and missing it by about a meter. 'Hm, shit.'

Jinyoung set his still half-full beer down successfully, getting to his feet and feeling the alcohol thrum in his veins, the room blurring before his eyes. You never realised how drunk you were until you decided to move. 'I think it's time we all went to bed.' Jinyoung smiled with sympathy, stretching melodramatically to disguise his sudden urgent need to remove himself from Jaebum's presence. The older boys gaze was always a little too much, too strong when it was focused solely on one person. Jinyoung always buckled beneath it, and this situation was no different.

He startled when Jaebum snatched his hand urgently, pulling him down to the floor. 'Stay for a bit, Jinyoungie,' he crooned, his lips quirked in a lazy smile. He looked like a cat who'd had too much cream, content and languorous as he leant on an elbow, long legs stretched out. Jinyoung's heart was pounding like a drum, but his body felt like lead and he couldn't find the strength to run away or argue further. The older boys fingers were warm around Jinyoung's fingers, and the younger pulled away from his grip almost too abruptly in his nervousness. Jaebum didn't seem to notice his agitation, and Jinyoung took comfort in how loose the older boy would become under the influence.

Settling back against the sofa, Jinyoung crossed his legs and took his beer to hand again, needing something to hold onto as his thoughts burned in his mind. Jaebum was staring at him intently, his strong gaze driving Jinyoung into a corner. 'It's different to how we used to be, isn't it?'

'In what way?' Jinyoung asked quietly, pulled in by Jaebum's unusually soft tone. The two of them rarely shared quiet words, Jaebum always preferring to leave Jinyoung with burning questions and a heavy heart.

'You've changed a lot, now that we're with these guys,' Jaebum paused at every other word, sluggish and clumsy. 'You used to be so awkward. I admit I wasn't much better, though.' He chuckled softly, deep and throaty, and Jinyoung felt a soft smile tug at his own lips. He'd watched Jaebum trade words easily like this with the other members, and he was warmed to be on the receiving end of his affection for once .'I really made you hate me, didn't I?' Jaebum asked seriously, his smile fading in anticipation of Jinyoung's response. Jinyoung didn't even have to think.

'I don't hate you.'

'You did before, though. I didn't give you any reason to like me.'

'I've never hated you, hyung.'

Jaebum raised an eyebrow, and the younger was confused as he watched him get to his feet, leaning over to crack open another beer. The older boy sat down heavily beside Jinyoung, throwing an arm around his shoulder sloppily. Jinyoung tensed immediately, but Jaebum was too gone to notice. This was definitely a good time to get drunker, Jinyoung thought, and he nearly choked on his beer as when he necked it back, causing Jaebum to burst out in laughter, patting his back roughly and - honestly - making it worse.

Jaebum was really, really strong, his palm thudding against the hollow of Jinyoung's back. 'I'm fine, I'm fine.' Jinyoung pleaded, thankful when his hyung relented. However, he couldn't hold back the yelp that left his lips when the older boy lay back against the arm of the chair, pulling Jinyoung down to lie awkwardly against his chest. He was startled by the older mans clinginess, the outward affection he was showing. Jaebum could be touchy, but it was usually shown to Yugyeom or Jackson, and always in a more rough bro-type manner. Jinyoung's nose was pressed into Jaebum's shirt, and he could smell the older boys cologne, feel his hard chest beneath him, how it rose and fell. He let out a shaky breath, waiting for Jaebum to say something, but he just lay there with an arm over Jinyoung and the other hanging loosely off the sofa, beer dangling precariously in his lax grip.

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