Rouge Vermillion

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Sitting here, in the scalding water, we didn't notice the tears.

She couldn't stand seeing her reflection in the mirror anymore. Seeing her naked body. It reminded her of the look he layed on it. She thought it was a great idea. She wanted to feel like a grown-up, she wanted to feel like a woman.

Crouching here, in the hot water, we didn't notice the drops dripping on her nose.

She was washing herself over and over again. She rubbed, sometimes until she drew blood, before falling apart in tears while thinking about it again. He came to her, a smile on his face, such an irresistible smile. She could throw up thinking about it today. He passed a hand in his hair, she has always loved his blond hair. 

Kneeling down here, in the tepid water, we didn't notice eyes reddened by tears.

She dwelled on every detail of that night. Each drink she accepted, too happy talking with him. Too pleased seeing him interested in her. He seemed so nice, asking her every kind of things, making small talk look like a profound conversation. And she believed him. She really thought he was sincere. She could picture his look, a thirsty, predatory look as her lips soaked in alcohol.

Folded here, in the fresh water, we didn't notice the shaking lips.

The way he offered to shut themselves away. To talk in private. She immediately understood, she understood but still followed him.Feeling loved, feeling desired. She adored it, this sensation. When he put his sour lips on hers, she felt like she was flying. Now, she just wanted to forget, forget where this kiss had lead to. Lying on a bed that wasn't hers.

Huddled up here, in the cold water, we didn't notice the razor by her side.

Her clothes on the ground, she showed no opposition, all she knew was that he wanted her. And she was sick of feeling rubbish, so childish. She wanted to grow-up. She gave herself to him, without any hesitation. She disguted herself, he disgusted her, he frightened her. He, who had been so gentle before, took her like a rag. Only caring about his own pleasure, he didn't listen to her screams. He just took her virtue. Then he rejected her, glad with himself after getting what he wanted.

Broken here, in the freezing water, we didn't notice the marks on her wrist.

The blood was mixed with freezing drops. She was unable to cry anymore, no more tears wanted to escape her sky blue eyes. He had broken her. She let the red liquid warm up her body a little. From the razor dripped vermilion drops. A vermilion as brilliant as her vermilion hair. She didn't have the force to move anymore, she was just watching the liquid that kept her alive turned what was left of clear water into a red tint. She let it flowing down, not paying attention on the hammering knock on the door.

The water stopped running and had long been gone. The vermilion hair started forming curls around a pale face. Of the blood only remained red furrows contrasting with the white of the bath. Every two minutes, a drop fell down from the faucet, crashing on a paleforehead. Afterward, the drop started  its way to the ginger eyelashes before falling down on porcelains cheeks. The drop followed its way from the chin to the naked breast, falling down the belly button to take a pause. Finally the drop finished its journey on the thighs where a blood trickle flowed down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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