Injuries {POV Issac}

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Concussions are no fun. Really?! You have no idea how terrible they are unless you have had one. If you haven't, imagine having a headache that makes it impossible to think and do anything, absolutely anything. Looking at the light fixtures or even natural light from the sun makes the pounding worsen. Walking seemed impossible cause with every step I would nearly lose your balance or nearly fall into something, which causes even more pain. Even the sound of my own mother's voice had gotten very irritating with every word.

Ever since I had woken up she had been fluttering around like a frantic mother hen. It was kinda like when I was little and whenever I got hurt even in the slightest way she would be there to pick up the pieces, but now that I was older it wasn't as welcoming. It was just plain annoying.

"Mom, I'm alright," I assured her, for the fifteenth time.

"Issac Mariah Nicholas, you are not alright you have a concussion so sit down while I call the doctor," she commanded her green eyes flashing dangerously. She stood in  her motherly pose. A stance that could frighten anyone. With her hand on her hip and her head held high as though if anyone who got in the way of her motherly acts would be squashed. A pose that was recently directed a lot as of recently at myself.

I sighed hanging my head. There was no use reasoning with her now. She was in full on 'mother mode.' I leaned back against the back of couch staring at the ceiling.

A lot had happened recently.

Paige had found her soulmate. Her soulmate was none other than, Keith, one of my best  friends. My other close friend was soulmates with my sister Paige's best friend. On top of that as a result of my sister meeting her soulmate I somehow manage to get a concussion. It was a lot to process. It would be one interesting story to one day tell my soulmate.

My soulmate, the words sounded weird in my head.

"My soulmate," I whispered under my breath. It sounded even stranger to be saying it aloud. It was a foreign word but speaking it aloud was so pleasant and sent (as his sister would say) "butterflies" into his stomach.

"Did you say something?" Mother asked pulling her communicator away from her ear, pulling me from my thoughts.

"No," I responded, "I'm tired. I'm going to go lay down upstairs," I announced standing wobbly from the couch. Her beautiful and motherly face twisted into a worried frown. It was astonishing how much Paige looked like her.

"Do you need help?" She questioned, taking a step towards me and putting a hand on my arm in a comforting matter. Her communicator buzzed loudly diverting her a gaze momentarily. It buzzed again, this time she brought it back up to her face to see what it said.

When I need you you're never there.

"I'll manage," I told her, turning away from her. I clumsily made my way to the stairs with the help of furniture and walls. It took a frustratingly long time to make it even half way up the stairs. When I did I was wobbling so much that I had to sit down. Every time I need you, you're not there.

When I was a kid mother would always be there to pick me up or just to be there as a comforting presence. Now it was as though everything had more importance over me. Anything and everything was more important than me. As the son of the Second I had always be on my best manners and always up hold the family's honor. While Paige did not have to grow up with that weight on her shoulders. She had a normal life. She didn't have to always appear at her best. Even in my own home I would get lectured for even appearing in my boxers, even though I had been forced to attend a stupid gala for the First. Paige had it easy. She had friends, real friends. Not people who wanted to use you as stepping stones.

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