Chapter 16

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Princess Katelyn's POV
After I pick a few flowers for my room to replace the old ones, I stand at one corner so my powers won't be visible to Jett, who is at the bench. From afar, I start by the place where Jett is sitting, taking a deep breath, my powers is taking in action.  I see Jett's reaction when sees ice magically appear, he doesn't know I'm the one behind it but it's the best to keep my powers as a secret except my siblings of course!

I even start to freeze the whole bench until Jett falls off from the seat! It's very funny! Well enough pranking the future King of Kenilworth. I defrost all the ice from the bench and walk gracefully with the flowers in my hand which I pick earlier from the garden. "Hey Jett!" I greet the prince as I take my seat beside him. "Oh hi, my dear! Do you feel something strange around the palace?" Jett's asks. "No, there's nothing strange. Why?" I ask. Jett tells me that he slipped on ice while I was picking the flowers.

"Nonsense Jett! There is no magic in this age and day unless one is gifted," I say. "Really? " Jett raises his eyebrows at me. How can I lie? A true princess never lies. "Let's go back inside, shall we?" Jet asks as he offers an arm, I take it into his. Besides, it's a gentleman manner for princes to escort princesses back to the castle.

Prince Jett's POV
I suspect that something magical around the palace, that makes me to put on thought whether I should marry Katelyn as my Queen. She is a sweet girl, everyone knows that and the people of her country love her. I tell Katelyn there is magic in the palace but she shrugs it off and says "There is no magic at this day and age unless one is gifted," Okay, the Princess of England says so then I believe her.

Alas, we reached the main entrance. "This is where I kiss you goodbye before you head to your bedroom?" I ask. "No. It's been fun hanging out with you, see you next time around," Katelyn gives me the sweetest smile which I can't resist! Wow, my first date with the future Queen of England! I can't tell my parents about it, they want Katelyn to be their daughter-in-law straight away! 

Before I step into my room, I slip on ice again

Princess Katelyn's POV 

Finally I can get rid of Jett! I put a little ice at his door step. He thinks I'm going to marry him , think again. After a few icy tricks, he's never come to England ever again, except for diplomatic trips. "Hey sis, how was your date with the Prince of the Ladies?" Harry asks. "Never been better!" I say excitedly. I pause for a moment, "Wait, you saw everything?" I ask my brother. "Yeah, Katelyn! I'm your brother, I know you inside out," he starts tickling me. 

Harry knows my soft spot when it comes to tickling. I know his as well. As kind of "sibling revenge", I tickle his soft spot. "Okay, sis! You win! Now can we go to our brother-sister day out?" he asks. I tell him to wait me for a minute, I have to grab my jacket as the winter wind is picking up. "Okay, Harry! I'm ready to go." I say as we walk out to the Palace's main entrance. Joe is driving us since he is the royal head of security, together with Shades and Lionel. 

"We better be back before 5pm, because the child therapist is coming to see Lottie. William and Catherine won't be around but they will be here at the therapy ASAP," Harry says. The day out we just go to a few shops to buy sandwiches, vegetables, fruits as well as some groceries. We always end the day with ice cream. 

I always have the vanilla ice cream and Harry has caramel. We always take a bite from each other's ice cream before switching back. "Excuse me Prince and Princess, I just got a call from the Duke that the therapist is here, he needs you two back to the palace immediately," Joe says. Harry and I quickly get up from our seats and we put all the shopping and the grocery bags in the back of the car. 

"Seat belt please, Your Highnesses," Joe kindly reminds us. After buckling up, It's time to head back to the palace. When we get back, Charlotte is already at the steps waiting for our arrival. "I'll get the maids with your groceries," she says as we both pace up to the children's room. I'm surprise that William and Kate have arrived before us. "I thought you guys at work," I say, confused. "We decide to end the day early because Lottie's our priority," Kate says. William motions us to sit. 

Charlotte comes in to announce the therapist's arrival. "Please send her in," William gives the green light. 

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