ulangan dadakan

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q: nct dream kalo ulangan dadakan gimana kira-kira?

a: oh, mereka mah tipe yang-

daym i miss this intro.


mark a

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mark a. m.;

subject nya apa dulu? inggris mah dikerjain sambil push-up ge bisa.

tapi kalo misalnya pelajaran mtk fisika kimia, langsung ngedumel pake bahasa inggris sampe bisa bikin lagu rap.

"damn what the fuck is this why suddenly we have a test on this motherfucking subject that i dont even know will i really use this in real life or not????" "i mean why the fuck i need to know how much the volume of the water from the big pipa to the small pipa like wtf man dude cmon you gotta be kidding me" "yo!" "tell me" "tell me the fucking logic reasons to this test" "i aint ready for this shit man" "not for me" "i quit" "no" "hell no" "hell motherfucking no" "no" "this is..." "this is..." "tidak mungkin bro" "*dab*"

bukannya ngerjain soal ujiannya, tapi malah ngomelin kertas ujian pake bahasa inggris.

salah apa kertasnya coba :(

salah apa kertasnya coba :(

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yoga l. p;

tipe anak pinter mtk kimia fisika kek yoga mah cuma sekedar kaget-kaget manja ngikutin squad-nya biar keliatan setia kawan.

giliran pas udah ngerjain soal, itu tangan ngga berhenti nulis karena gampang lah buat yoga mah.

"oy yog! yog!" "hm?" "nomer atu plis bagi jawaban gua gatau sama sekali yaallah" "bentar ya gue tulis dulu"

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