Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Laundry Night

"Ugh I have blood all over my new shirt" Jeff whined.

"I told you to have your jacket over it" Jack sighed looking down at the younger male beside him.

Jeff didn't look up at Jack only pouting about his white  shirt.

"I got you ice cream so stop being such a kid...we'll clean it up in the washer"

"When you say 'we' you mean me don't you?"

"Aw you know me so well," Jack smiled putting both his hands on his chest.

Jeff rolled his eyes as they continued to walk back to the mansion.


"Dude do you even know how to use one of those?" Jack asked seeing that Jeff seemed to be struggling with opening the machine.

"Pff of course I do," Jeff glared at the older male. Jack only looked at Jeff with an unamused face. Jeff sighed crossing his arms across his chest as he stepped away from the box.

Jack steeped forward clicking open the small opening. He turned to Jeff without warning, pulling off the white shirt that was stained in the blood of others into the box.

Jeff felt exposed by the sudden coolness that brushed against his pale white skin. Jack didn't seem to care for he continued to start up the washer.

"Alright," Jack looked at Jeff, " it should be done until a few minutes or so."

"Uh....thanks?" "No problem, now go put on a shirt hoe," Jack smiled existing the room.

Jeff's eye twitched as those words hit him in the face. "And to think that he was actually a nice guy."

Jeff exited the room to see that Jack was only a few inches away. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?!"

"To the room idiot, where el-" Jeff cut him off by tackling him from the back.

"Number 1 rule of being a killer," he smiled leaning over to Jack's ear, "make sure your target isn't following you."

"What are you talking about?! Get off me you white trash!"

"I don't know! All I know is that you called me a hoe!" Jeff shouted, pinning him down using all his strength, trying not to let him go.

After a few more seconds of struggling Jack gave up breathing heavily from trying his best to escape.

"Wait...are you serious?! The guy who always pins me down and can do some serious damage is actually pinned down?! By The Amazing Jeff!" Jeff smiled feeling very proud of himself.

"No you idiot....I killed mostly everyone in that ice cream shop remember?" Jack huffed.

Jeff's smile grew wider as a plan formed inside his head.

"So...your weak right?"

"Yeah no shi-" Jeff grabbed onto Jack's hands and dragged him to their room.

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