Chapter 34: Problems?¿

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Chapter 34:

Rae's POV:

"Your what?!" My voice coming out more alarmed then I want it to.

"I'm pregnant!" she yells back. Ok now she's crying.

"Ok, ok shhhh, shhh...." I say trying to calm her down through the phone.

"How can I be ok? I'm in Florida and alone and soon to be 20 and and..."

"Jess relax, but seriously who, what when how did this happen?" I say.

"Really Rae, who? Of course it's Niall's! And I'm about a month and a half, I went to the doctors today and they confirmed it." she explains.

"Ok, that's good and are you staying in Florida? And please tell me your keeping the baby." I ask.

"I'm staying in Florida, and I am most definitely keeping my baby! But what about Niall, we have no way of contacting him or any of the other boys without management finding out." she answers, starting to get upset again.

"I don't know Jess, but I promise I'll think of something you just keep that little baby healthy. Okay?" I try to comfort her. Whatever I think of, it better come to my mind quick.

"Okay, I just thought I should tell you and your the only one that knows but I'm scared. Really scared, what if he doesn't want the baby" she chokes out referring to Niall.

"Of course he'll want the baby, I promise I'll figure out a way and well Vanessa and Maya are here too." I say hinting the fact they may have been listening.

"Are you ok?!!!!" Vanessa yells to her in the phone, "what when who why how please tell me your ok and when the heck did you lose....." she continues until I put my hand over her mouth. Mostly for Jess's sake. I decide to put the phone on speaker so no one shouts.

"Vaness! I'm pretty sure you know who's baby it is!" I tell her. Her face goes blank as she thinks for a sec before she goes into a full on out smile.

"Oh my God, it's Niall's isn't it!" she practically squeals. I facepalm and I'm probably guessing Jess is too.

"Awe a little Jiall baby!" Maya squeals, "Wait Jessica your too young to have a baby!" She adds. I lightly hit her on the stomach as if to say "it's not her fault and she's mature enough to handle it so don't bring up any negative thoughts."

"Jess don't worry, you'll be a perfect mother." I say to her. By now we were all crowded around my phone on the floor.

"I hope so, anyway I got to go, I have to get some sleep and so does my baby." she says trying to calm down.

"Alright goodnight, sweet dreams and don't worry I'll think of something. Bye!"

"Bye." She answers back and I hang up the phone. Ok what just happened?!

"So Jess is going to be a mother, the father is banned from seeing her and is a mega celebrity and she's at college in Florida." Vaness spills.

"Yeaaa." I say, ok she's making it sound even worst.

"Look I have to figure out a way to contact either Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, or Zayn. I guess I could contact Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum, Perrie, El, Sophia, Leigh Ann, Jesy or Jade too but I don't know if management is tracking them as well." I spit out somehow in one breathe.

"Well the last thing we need is management finding out and making her do an abortion or like give the baby up and make her not tell Niall." Maya states. I really wish she wasn't right but that sounds like something that management would do.

"Alright I'm exhausted, and I'll think about this more tomorrow when I'm rested and not still pissed that Ethan won't leave me alone and I'm thinking straight." I groan.

"Oooooh that sucks, you'd think after almost a month of trying to get you back he'd give up, he's such a dirtbag for dating Ari over you." Vaness says.

"Well at least I'm not dating a dirtbag." I say smiling at the thought of Harry. I miss him so much.Wow I can be a real girly girl sometimes. "I'm getting ready for bed." I add, grabbing pajamas out of my dresser and going to the bathroom.

I change into sweatpants and a sweatshirt since it's freezing in New York in October and wipe the now slightly smeared makeup off my face.

I hear a knock at the door and open it to see that it's only Vaness and Maya who need to get ready for bed too since they're sleeping over. I head back down the hall to my room and strum my guitar a little until the girls come back in. Along with them is a sleepy Zoey holding a whole bag of Halloween candy. For fourteen she still knows how to do some major trick or treating.

"What's up Zoey? It's already 1am." I ask her.

"I brought you guys candy that I don't like and I heard you playing a new guitar song." she answers dumping the candy on the floor.

"Thanks, and it was 'Disconnected' by 5sos." I explain.

"It's pretty! I don't know that song though." she tells me.

"Of course you don't, everytime I tried to get you to listen to them you would say go away." I say laughing.

"Whatever, obviously I don't know them like you do, and I'm tired goodnight." She says heading out the door.

"You don't have to know them to like their music." I yell back through the door.

I doubt she heard me though. I put my guitar back in its case and climb into my bed. Vanessa and Maya sleep on the air mattresses we'd set up before and basically we talk about random stuff all night and see who falls asleep first. It took Vanessa and Maya forever to fall asleep since they went through my phone and found the cd in my music labeled "The Covers 1D made for Rae." Harry made it for me along with the rest of the boys and put it into my backpack before I left. On the album was ten tracks:


1. Torn

2. They Don't Know About Us live (Our Song ~Harry)

3. Teenage Dirtbag

4. Valerie

5. Don't Let Me Go

6. Look After You

7. I Miss You

8. Let It Go (feat. 5sos P.S. Michael's idea)

9. A Thousand Years

10. All of Me

I try and stay up all night listening to it but when it comes to hearing Harry's voice I'm out like a light.

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