It's All Your Fault

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TW: self-harm and suicide, don't read this part if either of those topics trigger you.

"The guy that I'd kinda be into is... Jake."
Those words hit Jeremy like a bullet to the heart. His smile wavered but he kept smiling, for Christine, because his Squip told him to. Jeremy acted like he was okay for the rest of play rehearsal, but as soon as he got home, it all went downhill. He tried to stop himself from crying because the Squip said it made him look weak and pathetic. He instinctively reached for his phone, to call or text Michael and tell him what happened. "No," his Squip said, "Do you really want to show Michael how weak you are, especially now that you're starting to become popular? He might start telling people just how much this hurt you, and eventually word will get to Christine and then she'll never love you." The Squip's words hurt Jeremy, but he really needed to tell someone about his pain. 'But he's always been there for me!' Jeremy argued and reached for his phone. "I thought I said No." the Squip said and shocked Jeremy. Jeremy stopped and left his phone alone. Foe the rest of the night, he laid on his bed and didn't move, depressed as hell. The next day in school, he kept to himself, trying to act like he was fine. The day went by slowly for Jeremy, but when it was over, he decided to skip play rehearsal. When he got home, Michael called him, and he answered without a second thought. "Jeremy? Are you okay?" Michael asked, the worry evident in his voice. "Tell him it's his fault." his Squip said to him. 'What?'
"Tell him it's his fault." the Squip repeated, "Tell him it's his fault that you'll never be with Christine." Jeremy did as the Squip told him, in fear of being shocked. "This is all your fault Michael." Michael flinched at the harsh words, "W-What?" "You heard me." Jeremy said, "It's all your fault that I'll never be with Christine. It's always been your fault. I should've left you in the dust a long time ago, you're just dead weight stopping me from being with Christine. I want you to get out of my life and never come back."
Jeremy was crying while he spoke but he made his voice harsh so Michael would believe him. Michael started to cry after hearing Jeremy say those things, and you could hear it in his voice. His voice cracked, which hurt Jeremy even more, "B-But, Jeremy-" "Goodbye Michael." Jeremy said and hung up the phone. He laid in his bed and cried for the rest of the night.

Michael was sobbing. His best friend and his crush just told him to get out of his life. Michael reached for a knife and without hesitation, started making lines in his wrists. After he finished doing that, he sat down on his bed and thought, 'I don't know what I did wrong, but it must've been something bad to make Jeremy hate me.... But if Jeremy hates me now, that means no one cares about me anymore... I should just end it now... who's going to care that I'm gone anyway?' He got up and searched his house for something to end it all with. He went into his bathroom and found some pills in the medicine cabinet. They were enough to kill him if he took an overdose. He held the pills in his hand and looked in the mirror, 'Disgusting.' he thought. He sat down in the bathtub and took one more look around. "Now I'm just Michael in the bathroom." he spoke weakly, "Thanks for all the memories Jeremy. I hope you're life is better without me."
He put the pills in his mouth and swallowed. The last thing he ever heard his best friend say was that he wanted him out of his life. The words "Goodbye Michael." echoed in his head as he slowly faded from consciousness.

The next day, Jeremy woke up to a phone call from Michael. He answered it because he was tired and forgot what happened the night before, "Hello?" The voice on the other end wasn't Michael. "Hello, are you a close friend or relative of Michael Mell?" Jeremy stiffened up, "Yes, who is this?"
"This is the police. I regret to inform you that Michael Mell committed suicide last night. I'm sorry for your loss." The police officer spoke with sympathy in his voice.
Those words hit Jeremy like a million bullets to the heart. He hung up his phone, unable to respond to the police officer and started to crying. His best friend took his own life.

And it was all his fault.

I am so so sorry for writing this. The next chapter will be extra fluffy to make up for this horrible chapter. Please forgive me :')

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