My brother is WHO!?!?

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Jess's POV

I look around at the room. I smile and dart over to my bed. I take out the old worn book I've kept since my parents died in that accident. I flip through the pages till I land on the spell I'm looking for... The lightning spell. I always practiced my magic on the 'masters' as they call themselves. By the way Im Jess. Most of the kids here at the orphanage hate me so they make fun of me by teasing me on what I like. Like Youtubers SkydoesMinecraft, setosorcerer, and other ones. I am also.... How do I put this... Different then the other kids.

"Hey you freak! Got your mummys book out again? Gonna try to bring your parents back to life?" One of the kids teased.

"How about you get something through that thick Skull Of yours Adam..." I mumble to myself.

"What was that you freak of nature?" Said a boy.

"I Said How about you Get something through that thick Skull of yours Adam!" I say the air around my body swirling around me.

"Hehe Thats what I thought..." The boy chuckled.

'To bad Im already mad' I smirk as some sparks fly from my finger tips.

I start moving my lips in a wordless chant. Adam tried to back out of the room but the door shut behind him causing him to lose his only escape route. I stop my 'chant' and smirk. The fear in his eyes pleased me. Yes I may get beaten... again but the price is way more pleasing then the punishment. I smiled and released the lightning spell on him. This is another reason why no one will adopt me. They're afraid I will turn bad and attack them. Like I care. I heard him scream in pain and I stop the attack. I smile as on the ground was an electrocuted Adam. He was twitching like crazy but he got up, his left hand twitching more. He was breathing heavy as he ran out of the room. I collapsed on the bed smiling. I got my iPod out after I placed the book back under my bed under the floorboards. I plugged my headphones into the jack and went to Safari. I looked up Youtube and looked up setosorceereer. He was the one I want to to calm down. I dont know why but e had the type of voice that had a claming affect on me.

"JESSICA!!! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANCE!!!" I heard a voice over top of Setos soft voice.

I just shake my head and turn my iPod onto 'Dont Mine at Night' and as I go down I hum the tune. I step down stairs and I see a male figure. I gulp and step down the stairs cautiously. I remove the headphones from me ears.

"Im here madam... You called me?" I say in a hushed tone.

"Finally your here. Your lawyer here told me that he made a mistake when he brought you here for the first time after you parents died. He was looking through your files and he said that you have a brother." Se said in a harsh tone.

I wince at her tone but Im happy to know that I have a brother out there in the world. I straiten up and look her in the eye and nod.

"Go get you stuff together he will be here to pick you up in 4 hours." She said smiling.

I nod and walk back up the stairs.

'I have a brother... I have a brother!' I think with pleasure.

I walk into the room that I've known for almost all my life. I grab my little suitcase and place my computer, my recording mic I was given when I was younger, what ever clouting I have left, and my parents book into it. I look around and smile to myself. I realize I can tell my Hollowers about the news. So I take out my computer and log on to Minecraft. Opening up my 'Lets do some News' world I smile as I fly to the familiar cave system. I open up my recording program and go to my creative menu and got some signs. I place a sign down and start the recording.

My brother is WHO!?!?Where stories live. Discover now