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I decided to skip first period and walk down to where the party was last night. Maybe being there would help me jog back my memory. I shut my eyes and slowly walk down the path, letting the sun warm me. I smile at the memory of when Kylie and I used to wake up on early summer mornings and drive to the beach and lay on the sand.

I reach the fence where he blind folded me. On the other side of the fence were more trees. I went through the secret gate and then I realized I was in someone's backyard. I didn't recognize anything besides the huge boulders that Grayson and I were sitting on before everything went black. I went to sit in the same spot and tried to think. I remember watching Kali crying and Ethan freaking out. Then Grayson handed me one too many drinks and... I don't know.

I remember running.
I remember Grayson calling my name.
Or was it Ethan?
Or was it me calling for Grayson?

I shut my eyes and massaged my temples with my fingers. I hate thinking too much, it gives me a headache. And this hangover isn't helping it either.

Giving up, I head back to school. When I got back I had missed two periods. I was first to arrive in Mr. Grey's AP History class. History's my favorite subject and I was excited for today's lesson. "Elizabethan Age" written in perfect cursive on the chalk board. I also found it really cool how he was one of the few teachers who still used chalkboards. Other teachers used smart boards. I sat in the front and admired Mr. Grey as he was writing some questions on the board. He's a fairly young, English man. But I wouldn't date a teacher, too scandalous. Plus, I like Grayson. I need to find out why he's so pissed off at me.

I can't find Grayson anywhere at lunch. I walk toward our usual table, Ethan and Ryan are sitting there. They're both quiet and look down at their food. I look over to Ethan and gasp at his black eye. He must've heard me because he mummers, "I'm fine."

I felt so sick and didn't want to eat. I ran to the bathroom. Who would do such a thing? Did it happen at the party? How could I not remember anything? I need answers. I need to find Grayson.

I got a note from the nurse excusing me from class for the rest of the day.

I head back to my room. Left, right, left, right. I focused on my feet so I won't fall, if I look up I'll probably fall over. I scan my card and stumbled inside. Immediately I fell asleep.

I woke up and realized I'm still in my uniform. The sun's setting and there's no signs of Grayson here. His bed neatly made, the sun light hitting his sheets. I slide out of bed and into his. I stretch out like a star and enjoyed the warmth underneath me. I roll over to my side and saw what was laid out on his bedside table. Alarm clock, lamp and a copy of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED.

I got up slowly and changed into shorts and a t-shirt.

I went over to Ethan's and by his expression when he opened the door, he did not look happy to see me. From my expression, he knew I have no clue what's going on. He steps out into the hall and checks to see who's out there before letting me in. I don't question him but just walk in and sit on the edge of his bed.

"Where's Grayson." I blurted out.

He takes a deep breath and sighs.

I sit there looking at him frantically, anxious.

"I don't know." He finally says.

I got up. Pacing. "What do you mean you know know where he is?" I gritted through my teeth.

For the first time looking into my eyes he whispers, "You don't remember?"


He turned his back on me, looking out the window.

"Last night, after Kali left me, you came up. It looked like you had a couple of drinks and I asked you were Grayson was. You ignored me and asked me about Kali. I explained what had happened and you said it was an awful thing and hugged me. I hugged back and before I knew it you were on top of me with your shirt off. I tried to get you off of me and Grayson walked in on us. He threw you off of me and punched me." He turns around and points at his deep purple and black eye. I gave him a sympathetic smiles and he mimics me. "Anyways, after that he ran off and I've haven't seen him then."

"I saw him this morning when I got up." I put in.

"Well if he doesn't show up tonight, I've got to tell the headmaster."

Without a word I sprinted out his door and out of the building. I run into the woods and scream. Where is Grayson? I fall to my knees and cry. I cry because frustration took over me. I cry because Grayson.

Once I've calmed down, I head back to my room. And sure enough that asshole who I've been worrying about all day was sitting on his bed reading Sports Illustrated.

I ran over and jumped on him and gave him a huge hug. Surprisingly, he hugged back and I let out a sigh of relief. I pull away and he brings me in closer. In a sudden move we're laying on his bed, shoulder to shoulder. We don't say anything for a while, we don't need to. He knows I'm sorry and I know he accepts my apology. Funny how silence works huh? He rolls over on his side, his elbow propping him up. I do the same, facing him.

"I like you. A lot. Because nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than you." He barely whispers.

I closed my eyes and went for a kiss. Not too long, not too short, no tongue, no striping, no sex. Within that five seconds we break apart and lay in each other's arms. My head on his chest, falling asleep listening to the sound of nothingness.

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