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As I stepped out into the open rain, I had only two things on my mind: My pocket watch and a ride home. It was my birthday today, or so I was told by my foster parents, and I was sent on my way with money along with my new pocket watch out the door. Now, I usually don't think about my looks all that often, but this watch defiantly did not go with what I look like, more over what I was wearing. I'm 5'2 1/2, probably the shortest in my family, I have long brown hair and a pair of brown eyes to match. I'm now 15 years of age, starting today, so I guess I'm old enough to be alone. Anyways, this pocket watch has certain things off about it. The hands were missing, there was an engraved R on the front, and it didn't have a chain. So, I have to keep it in my pocket.

As I started to walk, it slowly started to rain harder, making me think I should go back to the shop I was just in. I slowly started to look around, looking for the nearest place to take refuge in while the storm passes, and that's when I spotted it. An antique store. I sprinted over to the shop, holding onto my cash and my trinket tightly. Once I made it to the front door, I opened it and stepped inside only to be greeted with a cloud of dust and the eerie silence of the place. I shut the door behind me, watching through the windows, seeing how hard the rain was coming down.

"It's pouring out there isn't it, dear?" A soft and gentle voice rang throughout the shop, I quickly turned around to see where it had came from, but I had no avail. "Ah, I'm down here." An old woman slowly came into view, sitting in her wheel chair behind the counter that just barely covered her head.

"A-Ah, yes, it's raining quite harshly, it almost scares me to think when I'll be getting home..." My voice stuttering and fumbling over each word as I looked at the old woman. She rolled out behind the counter and towards me with a nice, welcoming smile. Maybe too welcoming..."Sorry if I disturbed you, I was in a rush."

"That's quite alright, dear." She chuckled softly as she neared my form. " I haven't had anyone come and visit my shop in a while, please take a look around, and tell me if you see anything you like." I nodded and smiled politely. This was one of the first times I have been in an antique store, and I was hoping it'd be the last.

I walked around the store, looking at all of the vintage objects, trying to ignore the eyes burning holes into my back. I glanced at the old woman every now and then, keeping a close eye on her, before stumbling across a mirror. It was really...captivating. It was round, large, had golden roses trailing along the sides, and once again an engraved R at the top and bottom. As I stared into the mirror, the old lady had made her way behind me, almost scaring me in the process. "You have a good eye. This mirror dates back to the 1800's. It was said that the girl who once owned it was sent into insanity, crazy don't you think dear? She was a fool to believe such fantasies could come true in such a world. She used to talk about a world of paintings and mirrors that would come to life, that she had four different friends that would take her on adventures, but sadly when she went on her last adventure she was killed in her daydreaming form sitting in front of the mirror." I furrowed my eyebrows at the woman's remark and gave her a questioning look.

"What do you mean, miss? Was she murdered or did she die because of natural causes??" I asked.

"Well, I don't know that because that was a long time ago. Would you like to buy it? It'd be great to get it off and out of the shop, seeing as it's taking up most of the room. Plus it goes with your type of personality my girl."

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt to buy it."

"That's good to hear dear, after all it's not every day you see a mirror you like."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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