Chapter 3

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He tells me that he is so sorry about what happened and that he wants to take a look at my wrist. I show him my wrist and its all purplish and blue he says I need to go to the hospital I just say ok and he drives me there. We walk in and Aaron runs up to the desk I say “Aaron its no big deal” he says “it may not be a big deal to you but it is a big deal to me because I am the reason it happened.” I feel so bad that Aaron feels like that it is not his fault it is mine I should have stayed home. It kills me that he is thinking that this is his fault I left him in the waiting room when I passed by going to the x-ray room I saw him he looked so worried he was pacing back and forth. When they told Aaron he could come back he was pretty much running back Aaron asked “what did they say?”  I said “they said that it is broke” I could hear him say to himself that it is all his fault. I say to him “ hey it is not your fault please stop blaming your self for this Aaron it breaks my heart.”  Aaron said “yes it is it is my fault if I had not of begged you come with me you would not be here getting a cast on your wrist.” I finally get him to stop thinking it is his fault . The doctor had just came in and was putting my cast on Aaron was asleep in the chair next to where I was sitting it is 3:00 A.M. we have been here for 3 hours. The doctor had just finished putting my cast on that guy from the party came in so I wake Aaron up. Aaron goes and talks to some girl that is with him. She walks in the room with me with Aaron behind her she says “Hi I am Hannah Jones I am Adam’s girlfriend” I ask her “Who is Adam?” she says that Adam is the guy that broke my wrist and that they have been texting Aaron and wanted to come see me. I asked them if they don’t even know me why would they want to come see me she said that I mean a lot to Aaron and Adam was feeling bad about what he had done. I was finally done with everything at the hospital and was able to go home I was in the truck with Aaron and my house was a good hour away. I was falling asleep in Aaron’s truck when I got text from an unknown number I look and it said “you think I am through with you I am just getting started” Aaron asked me who it was I just told him it was nobody important. He asked am I alright I told him yeah I didn’t want him worrying even though I really felt really bad and was ready to get home. I didn't know who it was that sent me that text but I do have a clue about who it was I don’t know if I should tell Aaron or not. I said “Aaron” “ yes Diana” he replied I hesitated for minute thinking if I should really tell him about the text then I decided to just ask a simple question “ how far are we from my house?” He said we was about a mile out from my house I decided to start a conversation. I ask does he have a job he says that he is a first class private in the army. Well we pull in the driveway at my house Aaron walks me to the door and we say goodnight and he tries to apologize for what happened when I cut him off mid-sentence. I tell him it is not his fault, but he does not listen he keeps blaming himself.  “Diana I am sorry”

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