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A new start. A new start was all I needed, and I would be fine. Everything would be okay and I could finally let go of my past and everything I had been through.

At least, that's what I'd been telling myself up until this point. But this morning when I woke up I had begun questioning every decision I'd made in the last few weeks. After everything that happened, I needed to start over. It is almost unheard of for a resident to switch hospitals during their fourth year. It would have been a lot more difficult if I hadn't had so many important people on my side. Everyone at Mass Gen was surprised when they found out I was leaving for Seattle. Many were furious with me. Mass Gen is the number one hospital in the country. Leaving was a preposterous idea. I had thought so at first too. Why would I want to give up the amazing opportunity I had at Mass Gen? It may as well have been surgeon suicide.

Nevertheless, I chose Seattle Grace-Mercy West. I gave up my spot at the best hospital in the country for one that had been forced to merge with another. I gave up my home and everyone that I knew on the East Coast for a life with strangers on the West Coast.

Well, not everyone would be a stranger. I've known Richard Webber for a while and he is a good friend. Alex Karev is also in the same year as me. He and I met in college and he has been my best friend ever since. At least, he was until we lost touch. He started his internship in Seattle while I went all the way to the other end of the country. I'm not even sure he knows that I'm transferring to Seattle, unless Mark told him. Mark Sloan is my big brother. So there's also him at Seattle Grace-Mercy West, as well as his best friend Derek Shepherd who is like another brother to me. Derek is one of the only people other than Mark who knows all about my past. Derek is the one who hired me since he just became Chief of Surgery.

Now I was back though. It was my first day at the new hospital and my body was shaken with nerves. I couldn't find any solid reason behind the nerves though. They had started this morning right as Mark was about to leave the apartment-- he doesn't think I'm ready to live on my own after everything that happened, so I'm staying with him. Mark was able to talk me out of simply not showing up, thankfully.

The specialty I am leaning towards is trauma. Mark and Derek informed me yesterday that the head of trauma is Owen Hunt. They told me that he is a war vet and genuinely a good guy.

Mark had left before me this morning managed to find me not long after I walked through the doors of the hospital. Thank God he did, because I had no idea where the residents locker room is.

"Come on little sis, I'll show ya," I heard his familiar voice from behind me. I had made it to the right floor but didn't know which direction to go now. Mark was wearing an excited smirk on his face. I knew he was very happy for me to be here. I could tell that my brother felt guilty for not being able to protect me from everything that I went through. It wasn't his fault and I wish he didn't feel like it was. But if me being here made him feel better, then I was happy.

"What if they hate me?" I bit my lip as I asked nervously. Normally I was very tough and never showed any weakness, but this was Mark. He'd be able to see through me if I tried to act confident about this.

Mark stopped outside the door that I assumed was to the locker room and crossed his arms, looking down at me. All Sloans are rather tall, so even though I had height on my side, Mark was still a lot taller than me. "Angela Sarah Sloan. You do not need to worry about that. You are a Sloan, you're going to kick ass in this hospital. The other residents will love you. Just be yourself."

Now it was my turn to cross my arms and raise my eyebrows. "You do realize that being myself entails being sarcastic, mocking, and morbid, right?"

My brother laughed. "Okay, maybe be a more cheerful version of yourself."

With that, Mark turned and opened the door. He walked through it and I followed behind him. There weren't too many people in the room. There were cubby's on three of the walls and two benches on either side. A small group of people were on the right side of the room, and another to the left. One girl was walking out right as we stepped inside. The group on the left side of the room consisted of a Korean looking girl, and beside her a girl with red hair. There was also a tall, skinny girl with straight, dark brown hair, and a boy who I had to admit was absolutely gorgeous. He had perfect cheekbones, a chiseled jaw, and even from the other end of the room I could see his beautiful green eyes.

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