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 My first day at Seattle Grace went... better than expected. Once I began working all my nerves were swept away. I got to do what I love and I was surgery hungry. Callie let me assist her on a surgery and I didn't have any problems with the other residents. I even managed to be nice to Lexie. It was difficult, but I managed.

I wasn't ready to just head home and I knew that there was a bar right across the street. So as soon as I was changed out of my scrubs I made my way over there. It was crowded with people. Some were eating, some talking, others playing darts, and all were drinking. Despite the chill in the air outside, the heat of the bar caused me to immediately remove my leather jacket. I was wearing dark jeans and a green shirt with a plunging neckline.

"Ah, a new face," the bartender welcomed me when I took a seat at the bar.

A light laugh bubbled out of my mouth. It honestly surprised me. I couldn't remember the last time I was in this good of a mood. "How'd you figure? You know all your customers?"
The bartender finished drying a glass and proceeded to fill it with tequila. "I'd remember a face like yours." He then placed the glass in front of me. "Here, on the house. I'm Joe, by the way."

"Angie," I smiled back at him. My first impression was that the bartender was flirting with me, but then my eyes landed on a picture in the back of him kissing someone... a man.

"Well Angie, what brings you to Seattle?"

"I'm a surgeon at the hospital," I explained briefly. Joe nodded and moved on to the rest of the customers, leaving me alone. I downed the tequila, loving the way it burned my throat. Before I could even motion for Joe to bring me another, a body sat down in the stool to my right.

"So, now are you going to tell me why you are here?"

I looked over to see Alex Karev. Despite my joy in being able to talk to my best friend for the first time in nearly three years, I wasn't happy with the way he was starting the conversation. I didn't plan on telling him the truth. But I wasn't looking forward to lying to him either.

I twirled my finger around the rim of the shot glass nervously. Alex was staring at me and I stared right back, trying not to let my voice shake as I spoke. "It's a great job and I wanted to be closer to my brother. He's the only family I've got, and I've missed him." Alex then turned away from me and muttered something under his breath while motioning for a drink. "What was that?"
"I said he's not your only family," Alex snapped. I waited to answer until after Joe placed a couple of shots in front of us and we each downed one. It seemed as though I was going to need it. "What about your husband? Since when isn't he your family?" I opened my mouth to speak but Alex held up a hand. I did not like the way this conversation was going. "What about me? We were family, you and me. Throughout college it was always you and me. Even when we were interns and on opposite ends of the country it was still you and me. But then you just cut me out of your life for no apparent reason. The only reason I knew you were alive was because of Mark. But even when I brought you up to him he did everything in his power to turn the conversation away from you. So what the hell happened? Why did you shut me out, and why are you here? Why now, after all this time?" 

By now Alex was practically shouting. We had drawn the attention of half the bar and a thousand emotions were coursing through me. I couldn't tell if I was angry or sad or sorry. All I knew was that I couldn't talk about this, not now, not with him. He clearly didn't want me here. I also knew that I needed a drink. I turned away from the broken look on Alex's face and called for more shots.

A few shots and a half hour later, I was drunk. Drunk enough that I was in no way in my right mine, but not drunk enough that I was falling over.

I could see Alex talking intensely with Meredith Grey, Derek's wife. Huh, I'd had yet to see Derek. The sight of the two of them only fueled my stress induced anger. Snapping my head to my right, I laid my hand on the arm of the closest guy to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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