Stay Cloudy Caylen (JC Caylen Fan Fic)

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 "Hey guys! I bet I know that you know that I know that you know that I know what time it is . . . it's SASSY SATURDAY! Yaaaaasssss! And I'm here to bring you a very special video for your viewing entertainment. Viewing entertainment . . . is that even a correct phrase? Well, I just made it correct.

"Anyhizzle! Today's video is going to be short and sweet and you might when a free llama at the end of it. Just kidding, the joke's on you. So, I ask you guys to tweet me some questions that you could conjure up in those frightening minds of yours and I received a shit load of questions for the Q and A. So here we go!

"Would you rather eat live worms or a roasted cockroach on a stick? -Well, isn't that just descriptive. I would say live worms, yup, definitely live worms. 

"When was your first kiss? -. . . it may or may not have been in the ninth grade . . . if you judge me, I will find you. And I will make you listen to Friday on repeat. Sorry, I love you Rebecca!

"Would you rather own a unicorn or a mermaid? -Are you kidding me? Is this some kind of joke to you? Are you testing me loyalty? UNICORN ALL THE WAY SON! HASH TAG UNICORNS! . . . I need to slap myself for saying that.

"Do you have a crush and if so, who is it? -No, I currently do NOT have a crush on anyone but if there's any takers, well uh, you know where to find me. Wink wink.

"Where are you going? -It tis a surprise my children! Keep up with my daily vlogs and twitter and I will be dropping hints here and there and see if you can figure out where I am heading too!

"So, that's all I have for this video. I hope you enjoyed it and remember to give it a big ole' thumbs up because . . . I'm amazing and if you don't I will hunt you down- I MEAN UH . . . no, I will hunt you down. But remember to subscribe and comment down below and all my social media links will be in the description below. GOODBYE MY SASSY LOVERS!"

I turn off my video camera and shut off my recording lights. I take my video camera off my tripod and load my tripod into my suitcase with my already loaded belongings. The only things I left unpacked are my laptop and camera so I can edit and post my video to my YouTube page.

I grab my phone from my back pocket and unlock to find a new text message:


Hey slut, I'm almost ready and I'll b there in 30 mins. Better have yo shit tg. 

Jack is literally my best friend. You all may know him as Thatsojack on YouTube. We go to the same school and met each other in fifth grade and ever since we have been inseparable. So, I'm extremely excited that he is coming along with me to- wait! I can't tell you. It's a secret.

I put my card into the laptop and edited if briskly, there isn't much need to edit this video. I upload it to YouTube and close my laptop just in time to hear a car honk outside my house. I quickly pack my laptop in my carry-on and pack my camera in my main bag. I then grab my vlogging camera and gather my suitcases, making it out the door before the next round of honking begins.

Jack jumps out of the car and immediately pulls me into a bear hug. "Oh, so now you will give me a hug? I thought you didn't like to be touched?" I say before hugging back, bringing back what happened the last time we hanged out.

"I only don't like being touched if I'm extremely tired or if the people touching me are peasants," he says in his sassy tone which he uses quite often.

"I think the whole YouTube population is well-aware of that now," I tease as I remember the comments left on Ricky's Channel when Jack was being his cranky-diva self.

He helps me load my luggage into his trunk and rolls his eyes at me. "I swear to god Ellie, if you ever bring that up again I will literally slay you," his voice hinted with threat and his typical sassiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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