Part 16

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"Clarke can you come down please?" Mum yelled from down stairs

"Yep" I replied walking down

I walked down to see my mum and dad sitting down on the couch waiting for me I'm not gonna lie I was kinda scared.

"What's this about?" I asked

"What's going on between you,Austin,His girlfriend,Grayson and Ethan?" Dad asked

"Well Austin hates me he always has" I pause

"No sweetly he doesn't" mum Said Carmly

"No he does" I said bluntly

The both look at me shocked.

"His girlfriend Savannah she's only using Austin to get to me, she hates me and I hate her"

"And Grayson is mad at Ethan because I like Ethan but Grayson likes me, I just don't feel the same I don't know what's going my feelings are fucking messing with me" I said I didn't realise I was crying because a tear dropped on my hand

"Baby it's gonna be okay. I think we need to go on vacation for your birthday?" mum asked

"That sounds like a perfect idea " dad agrees

"Are you up for it Clarke?" Mum questions

"Yeah I guess, where would we go?" I asked

"Where ever you want" Dad said smiling

"Umm Italy?" I said

"Perfect I'll get the closest flight" he smiles "the sooner the Better"

"Okay I'll go pack then" I lightly smile

I run upstairs and begin to pack my bags placing everything I needed neatly in my suitcase.

I took my phone out and texted Ethan,Hope, Emily and Katy to tell them I would be away for my birthday

Me: hey I'm just letting you know that I won't be home for a while mum, dad and I are going to Italy for my birthday. I'll see you when I get back xx

Katy: Omg lucky! I hope you have the best birthday ever love! I'll see you when you get back bye x


Me: Mum,dad and I are going to Italy for my birthday so I won't see you until we get back I love you and don't have too much fun with out me ;) x

Hope: Hope you have the best birthday babe! Trust me I won't hah I love you xo


Me: I won't be home for a while going to Italy for my birthday :) x

Ethan- Awh I hope you have fun but don't miss me :) and have the best birthday ever! Xx

Me: going to Italy for my birthday so that means we won't be him for a couple of days but I'll miss you x

Emily: That's great I hope you have so much fun and we will catch up soon love you x


I looked at Graysons contact and I want sure if I wanted to tell him that we wouldn't be here, I got snapped out of my thoughts by dad telling me to hurry and go so we could go to the Airport.

I walked down stairs with my bags we all got in the car and drove to the Airport, it took a couple of hours until we finally hoped on the plane to go to Italy I was really excited because I was going to Italy and it's beautiful there.

Skips plane ride & Drive to the hotel.

"Omg it's so gorgeous here!" I excitedly squealed

" isn't it" mum smiled looking out the window

" we should get to sleep we don't want you to be sleepy on your birthday " dad said

"Yeah you're right and I'm a bit jet lagged too" I yawned

The sleep ended up taking over my body I fell asleep not needed to worry about anything.

Authors note/
Okay I swear Clarkes birthday will be in the next chapter and if not then the one after that.

- S

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