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lol i deleted the other chapter i wrote bc it just started some shit yikes. anyway, liars. i mean why do people get the need to lie? i'm being hypocritical, i've lied to my mom plenty of times. i'm just,, mad??? i mean if i get the confidence to say something, don't lie????

let's say i told someone that i wanted to date them. they go and say that they wanna date me too and date me but it all ends up being a fucking lie and they just dated me for the fun of it, but they didn't actually like me. that shit hurts once you find out the actual truth. how can someone actually mess with someone's mind like that?? just doesn't make sense in my dumb lil brain of mine.

let's say i told someone i like then and instead of them saying "sorry catherine i just don't feel the same way, hope we can still be friends though" they go and say that they like me back when it's a lie. you have me walking around being happy that someone likes me and nope no no, you don't like me. god you just have to say simple words. i mean yeah, ima be sad but not that sad bc we weren't even dating in the fucking first place. right after i find out it's a lie, that's when i'm actually really sad bc i've been wasting all my time saying "oh yeah this person likes me back" when they don't!!!!

don't !! be !! stupid !! like !! this !! pls !! it !! really !! hurts !!

also with friendships oh jesus. i've had so many people talk shit about me to my other friends and they'll both agree and not tell me shit. why would someone be like that lmao. "oh yeah we're friends with catherine but let's talk shit and have her never find out lol" if you don't like me, tell me. i don't wanna be wasting my time talking to someone who doesn't even like me and talks bad shit.

((all of these things have happened to me like so many times wtf yikes)) i'm just so pissed off and it's just 12pm whAT EVEN LMAO

death ☞ spamTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon