☕Interview with - bRennaJaDe93☕

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Interview with - bRennaJaDe93


"My first question is what inspired you to write The Wolf Inside (TWI)?"


"When I first started here on Wattpad, I discovered Naruto fanfics for the first time and as a big fan of the anime and manga, I started reading some to see what people had come up with. I soon found two writers whose stories I really enjoyed. The first one was Crow's Feathers by the_hooded_girl. I really enjoyed her style of writing, and how she could come up with really interesting scenarios with both canon characters and some of her own original ones. The second author was firooz, who has written quite a few fanfics, and not just Naruto ones either. I had read all of her stories and we soon became good Wattpad friends haha. I once mentioned the idea of maybe writing my own fanfiction, but I honestly wasn't too keen on the idea because it just seemed like way too much hard work. Firooz was super supportive though and kept on encouraging me to write one. Thanks to her constant support and encouragment, I began writing The Wolf Inside :)

Sorry for the long answer! >.<"


"Lol it's fine! ^.^  But anyways, that's really cool and kinda funny cause The Wolf Inside was the first story I read

(which did get me back into writing by the way, so thank you for that ^.^)

I have a question about Ashley though (Your OC ~for those who don't know~)...

What made you think if her characteristics? Is she based off of you/your personality at all?"


"Oh really? Thats awesome, Thank you :) Im glad Twi got you back into writing.


Hmmmm, I didnt purposely base Ashley off of myself, but her dry sense of sarcasm is absolutely me lol. I find sarcasm and dry humour to be amusing, so I just sort of incorporated it into her personality haha xD Since Ashley is introduced as a cold, unfriendly and sarcastic character, I wanted to make my story 'realistic' in the sense that it takes Ashley a long time to come out of her shell, trust people and learn to care for them. As for how I thought of Ashley's characteristics....well......I didnt really. I didnt have a plan for her personality, and I just sort of let it develop itself over time :)"


"Lol, I definitely agree with you about the sarcasm and dry humor.

Personally, I think the way you let Ashley's personality kinda develop on it's own is something that many people (including myself) wish/want to do.

Is it sometimes hard to keep developing her personality/looks or for her wolves?"


"It was a little difficult making her development seem realistic, because I'd made her such a cold, mistrustful person, I had to pick and choose the right moments wherr she'd do something kind or show a bit of care for others.

It's getting a little difficult now that Im writing the sequel to The Wolf Inside. I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't read it, but her personality development is in a bit of a siuation now that Im writing Chapter 60 and onwards :P

Otaku Magazine ISSUE #2 March 2014Where stories live. Discover now