Chapt. 4

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Jax's POV

this is so boring nothing's happening. I wish i didn't come. All the girls are drooling on me. Why can't the get I don't like them! Then the doors open I didn't bother to look up but I could tell everyone was staring. There where a couple of mumbling but I still didn't look up. Why bother.

Time skip


"Not in your life hot stuff." ;)

I had to get away but I could only move backwards. Then I bumped into someone. Right as I was about to yell at Amy some more she ran away. Being the nice guy I was picked up the girls book she dropped.

"Here let me get that for you."

It was noticeably a sketchbook she drew in. The pictures where amazing. But I turned to a page that shocked me. I couldn't stop staring. It was a girl that cut herself. I couldn't speak. I just stared at it. Then the book left my hands and she was off. I didn't see her come in with the rest of everyone and I would have remembered her. She was unforgettable. she was on a skateboard and combat boots. That made me chuckle. She must have been the one that everyone was staring at. But I was worried I didn't even know her but I was worried. I let her run for a bit. But I couldn't take it after a while. I followed where she went and supprisingly she didn't go far she was just outside the doors on the ground holding the book. She was drawing something. It was beautiful. Far more than any of my peices. I loved art it helped me get away from stress and school. It was a while before I spoke up. I just had to break the silence.

"Your reallly good."

Real original Jax. idiot. 

"sorry if I offended you or anything...  just please don't do that to yourself. I mean if you do. Uhhh yah... Just know that there are people who love you and don't do that to your family your life is worth living."

What the hell am I doing. Why am I getting nervous. She is just a girl. She didn't say anything for a while she didn't even look up at me. She probably hates you. I took a look at her shoes and was shocked to see the pattern on them. 

"Are those supernatural shoes."

"Yah... I love the show."

It was the first thing she said to me that night. Finally getting somewhere.

"FINALLY! Oh sorry just I haven't met anyone else who watched the show. I'm kinda a huge fanboy when it comes to that stuff."

Great now she'll think your a freaking weirdo. She turned her head to look at me. Her eyes had grown to the size of baseballs. Almost a look of horror on her face. And that's when things started going downhill.

"Your wrong."


I was struck with confusion and worry.

"I don't do that to myself and your wrong. My family wouldn't miss me they would rather me dead."

Ok this is getting bad. 

"You don't mean that."

She couldn't have been right. Her face had disgust written all over it. I was surprised by that. 

"I do, and you don't even know me. Why are you even talking to me. It's not like you to actually care. What's in it for you. Did someone dare you to talk to the nobody? What they bet you 5 bucks that you wouldn't do it? Hey go talk to that ugly nobody over there bet you 5 bucks hehe. Whatever I Knew it."

Jax your really messing up here. Think! Think! 

"No why would I do that. And your not ugly.

Ok maybe this will work. It usually does on any other girl

"Classic popular dudes. And yes I am. Don't even pretend you don't know. Whatever I got to go, not like you would care."

Well she isn't any other girl and before I could say anything else she was off. But I at least wanted her name.

"Hey I didn't catch your name.

"That'd cause I didn't throw it."

Then she gave me the finger and left. Great just great. I went back inside. Woah I was out there for atleast 2 hours. It didn't feel that long yeesh.

"Dude where you been. And where is that weird chick with the skateboard. You know what I don't care but yah remember the chicks Jackie and Amy well both of them got cigarettes with them, wanna go get some and I'm not only talking about the cig's ;) you know what I mean. Hehe yah their behind the school wanna come."

"Nah I'm good man."

Oh god why can't people just understand I don't want fucking sex or drugs or any other type of crap. Ok I'm just gonna get some punch and hopefully avoid some people. God I wish I could spend some more time with that girl and get to know her hopefully I see her around school.

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