chapter two: Drowning

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We floated for hours, by now Riley could hold on by herself so that allowed me to take care of myself. I climbed up onto the log that we were hanging on and quickly ripped up and tied my shirt around my head and thigh.

The fire was still burning violently, the heat from it could be felt even from the distance that we were at. The wind started to pick up and the waves started to get bigger. It started raining, I tried to clean the salt from my mouth.

"A storm is coming" Riley spoke.

"Really now? How can you tell?? Is it the rain or the clouds or death above us?! " I shouted.

"I'm sorry" she whispered. She stopped talking after that. I didn't feel bad about it, in fact I didn't know what to feel. It might get better I thought myself, then straight after, right on queue, it started to rain harder and harder and the waves started to get bigger and larger.

Was there any hope of survival, was I meant to die out here. I looked back at Riley, she was staring at me with tears in her eyes.

"Are we going to die out here?" She cried. What should I do, should I lie and tell her that everything is going to okay or be realistic and tell her that if the sharks don't get is then drowning or starvation will. I lied to her.

"Everything is going to okay, we will survive this" I assured her. She nodded and wiped away her tears. It was surprising how fast she regained her composure, she is a tough girl I thought to myself. I nodded back at her then I looked up at the dark stormy sky and towering waves coming towards us.

"HOLD ON AND DON'T LET GO!" I screamed and that was the last thing I remember telling her that night. Afterwards we held on to that log for dear life. We didn't sleep at all until the morning came and the storm had passed. We were exhausted.

"Get some sleep, I'll stay awake and keep watch" I tell Riley.

"No you get some sleep, I'm not tired."
She replied. There was no use in arguing with her so I compromised.

"How about this, you go sleep and I'll wake you up in an hour's time then I'll get some rest." I bargained, I could tell she was tired. Knowing that I won't take no for an answer she agreed.

"Okay but you better wake me up" she said.

"Don't worry about it, now get some rest." I replied. She lay down onto the log and fell asleep. I stayed in the water keeping it balanced, I started to worry about sharks and other creatures of the ocean.

In the distance I saw an object floating in the water. It was a pile of rubbish, from plastic bottles to random vegetation. As we got closer I saw an old fishing net that look as if had been drifting for some time now, it was covered in little crustaceans. I grabbed it and some plastic bottles.

After a while we came across another log, it was smaller than the one that we were on but it floated much more out of the water. I tied the fishing net around the log and the one we were floating on. I repeated this with two more logs that we came across.

By now we were on a proper raft. Time went by and it had been way over an hour but I couldn't bring myself to wake Riley up. I had moved her up so she could lay down out of the water. She was sound asleep and looked at peace, I didn't want to bring her into the reality that we were in now.

My stomach growled, I was starving. I thought to try some fishing, but I had no bait and nothing to fish with. It was hopeless, if we didn't find land soon we will starve to death.

"Your hungry, I can here your stomach rumbling" Riley spoke.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up"I replied.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner? I can see the bags around your eyes. You should really get some rest" she added. I nodded and went to lay down to sleep, I hadn't noticed how tired I was until I had closed my eyes. I fell asleep and dreamed of being in my warm soft bed at home.

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