Wanna Play?

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"I can't bloody believe this! Every bloody time!"Bernie was loosing her rag, Serena next to her shooked by what her ears had just heard.
"Would you be so nice to calm down please?"
They've been stuck in traffic for 20 minutes now, Bernie really wasn't the patient kind, well today as specially. She had just been kissed by the love of her life and she didn't want to dilly dally in traffic.
While Bernie continued to swear away, Serena tried to figure out where the traffic was coming from.
It was a fun fair, as the cars came to a holt again Bernie got out to inspect. Serena had already seen it announced somewhere, "Mrs Wolfe?" Bernie got back in the car next to Serena who was asking for her, "Yes?". Serena smiled as she saw the blushes on Bernie's cheeks, "Fancy going back to our teenagers years?", Bernie looked confused "I thought from what just happened we already were" her confusion turned into a smirk.
After 10 minutes the traffic had moved 10 feet. Serena had asked Bernie to park the car up as soon as she could, Bernie took it literally and just stopped the car, "No Bern, in a parking space" Serena tried not to laugh to much, "May I ask why?" Bernie said to which Serena replied straight back, "May I ask you to do what I asked?" Serena didn't mean to sound harsh and Bernie knew she was only being playful.
After moving another 10 feet, Bernie had enough and just abandoned her car on the side of the road, "You can't just abandon it here!?" Serena was amazed, "Watch me, you did say you wanted to relive your teenage years, no?" they both smirked and got out of the car.
Bernie went over to Serena's side of the car and raised an eyebrow at her, wondering what Serena was up to. Serena took Bernie's hand with a smile on her face and walked her until Bernie saw and heard where the traffic was coming from.
Bernie laughed, "Wanna play?" Serena smiled and continued to walk closely followed by Bernie. At the entrance of the fun fair a man with some food went passed then, Bernie's stomach to start a band. It was making all sorts of noises at one point Serena thought it was yelling "HHHHEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP". Serena started laughing out so loud people started to glance over at them with made Bernie fell a little uncomfortable. "Mind if I get a bit of food?" Bernie said shyly, Serena nodded and then both when over to a food & drinks stand.

They finally made there way over to the big wheel, Bernie was so desperate to have a go, but  Serena was so pale! 
-You alright?... (No reply) Serena?
-Sorry, I'm scared of hights...
-That doesn't matter, we can go on something else, come on.
Bernie smiled and took Serena's hand and lead them to a open air cinema like in the movies. They both sat down in the grass:
-Hope you like romantic films...
Bernie laughed as Serena blushed after what she said.
-My favourite moment is when they kiss, I've always wandered what it would be like to have a smooch like in the movies...
Serena dived her eyes into Bernie and replied:
-Want to test on me? I mean...
No help needed, they both got in close and on the open air cinema screen was showing a couple kissing...

They spent all night rowling around in the grass, having fun, re-living their teenage years. All because Serena wanted to play...

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