Prologue - Take Control

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There comes a time in life when you have to break away from your parents and make your own decisions. When you have to take the pen and write your own story. But it's not as easy as it sounds. Because you were raised to follow their instructions. To act, speak, think, feel a certain way. And you follow along, because despite the disharmony you feel, saying "No" seems like an impossible task. Going against those you love feels like a betrayal to those who raised you. Fed you, clothed you, loved you. It feels like you are committing the worst sin imaginable by listening to your heart instead of your parents voices.

But there will always come a time when a line is crossed, a decision made, a rift created, and you know that it's time. Time to follow your own heart rather than your parents. And when the time comes, there will be anger and sadness and shouts and tears and confusion and chaos. But amidst all that, their comes great happiness, because you are finally at peace with yourself and, eventually, your family will accept that.

But until then, you must simply take comfort in the knowledge that you know what is best for you and that is what you must do. You know which path to take in order to make yourself happy, and the journey must be taken alone. But those who love you will always be waiting when you return. 

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