Chapter 2

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Prince Kaito looked at his father's advisor, Kon Torinn, as Kon Torinn told the emperor, " Your Majesty, I have some news for you."

" There is always news, Torinn. Whether I wish to hear it or not is the question," the emperor grumbled as he flipped through pages and pages and pages of the old texts.

Kon Torinn stammered. " So, should I not report?"

" Go on, Torinn!"

" Yes, Your Majesty." Kai was probably not supposed to hear this, but he listened anyways. " The Western Commonwealth king and queen and princess are coming to the ball as we expect. And about the power that Princess Winter . . . obtains. Whatever she has, we cannot permit, Your Majesty. If she is to become the queen of the Western Commonwealth, she could use it against us and would significantly, inevitably be the end of us."

" Right," the emperor said, putting down the papers in interest of where Torinn was going. He waved his hand for the soldiers stationed in the room to leave. Kai stayed still in his seat.

" I have put much effort and thought into it. No matter how much I think of it, we need to eliminate Princess Winter. No, we must," the advisor said.

Kai's attention perked higher and he pretended to read, but he was looking at his father's expression. He's been acting weird these days. To randomly screaming curse words to being so isolate and quiet. Calling the emperor crazed was wrong but that's what the emperor was. And it made Kai the next target of turning crazed, too.

Kai had always known his father as being a kind, gentle ruler. But could the emperor seriously consider assassinating Princess Winter?

Kai had never met her before. He heard about her phenomenal beauty and her power to control minds. It was a gift from the original kings of Commonwealth. But it split during a war of two brothers who had the same power. No one had it for centuries until Princess Winter was born.

Kai didn't have it. Didn't want it anyways. And he was glad. Because if he did, people would look at him with judgement and difference. He would be left out.

" I see," Emperor Rikan drawled. " I don't know what to make of it, yet, Torinn. But do you have another suggestion? I was think of trying to ally with them."

Torinn shook his head. " Thinking of trying to ally with them is a safer, appealing option, Your Majesty. However, will it ever be possible with King Evret's attitude?"

" Pray he has changed for the better, Torinn. Now, enough of the dangerous talk.  I wish to speak to my son in private."

" Your Majesty," Torinn said, bowing to both the emperor and prince. When he left, Kai felt a little uneasy. So Torinn wanted to eliminate Princess Winter. What else? Her whole family? The kingdom?

" Kaito," Emperor Rikan beckoned, interrupting Kai's small distaste towards the advisor he had once admired. " Come closer and put down the book that you were not reading."

Kai obeyed and scooted his chair closer to his father. Emperor Rikan said, " You've put some thought into the marriage alliance with Princess Winter, right? Did you get the watch?"

" I did, Father. I dropped it off at the clock smith's place. She was rather stubborn and rude," Kai added under his breath.

" I beg your pardon? She?"

" Yeah, big surprise. It's a young girl who works there."

" Did you tell her who you are?"

" No. Why should I?"

" Good," Emperor Rikan said. He leaned back in his chair. " Anyways, Kaito, I've been thinking much at night, enough where I've been diagnosed with insomnia, the doctors claim. Ugh, horrific men with needles and medicine. Anyways, this is the best option for the Eastern and Western Commonwealth. This marriage alliance."

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