Chapter 3- A New Day

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Beep Beep Beep...Beep Beep beep... Beep Beep beep... Beep-


Meredith groaned as she rubbed her eyes and let out a whispy yawn. 5:30 am was far too early to function. She struggled to get out of bed on most days, but today was particularly difficult. She was pretty sure that today was the day which Megan was being transferred to Grey-Sloan. Naturally, she had booked a full day of surgeries in an attempt to distract herself and ease her mind away from the situation. She glanced at the framed post it which laid next to her, held it to her lips and stared into nothingness for a few moments. Gently, she placed it on her bedside table and heaved herself out of her silky sheets.

She grabbed her soft brown towel from the cupboard and ran the hot shower. After undressing, she opened the shower door and stood underneath the cascading water, paying attention to the way it ran down her still arms and trickled off of her fingertips. She stood still for a minute or so, allowing the water to swallow her whole. She just felt so... empty.

Stiffly, she began to cleanse herself, the apple scented shower gel foaming every crevice and crease. The coconut shampoo restored her hair from all of the previous day's build up and grime. She didn't bother to shave; there was no point.

Once again, she slid open the shower door and wrapped her towel around herself, watching as the mist rolled out of the shower, collided with the bathroom mirror and consumed it. She went back into her bedroom where she changed into a pair of black leggings and a dark gray t-shirt, she would change into her scrubs when she reached the hospital anyway. She was just about to begin towel drying her hair when she heard a light tap on her bedroom door.

"Come in" She called croakily.

An apprehensive Maggie entered.

"Hey Mer, I made you some avocado on toast if you'd like to join me for breakfast?"

"Oh, thanks, Maggie. Sure, I'll just finish drying my hair and then I'll be down"

"Okay, no problem" Maggie smiled as she left and closed the door.

Meredith wasn't sure what she'd done for Maggie to suddenly become so kind towards her but she had to admit that it was good timing on her part. She quickly dried her hair as fast as she could and went to wake the kids.

With a groggy Ellis on her hips and a trailing Bailey behind her, she entered the kitchen where a beaming Zola was sinking her teeth into a piece of buttered toast.

"Good morning Mommy!" Zola cheered

"Good morning Zo!" She returned with a grin. "What's got you up this early? I wondered where you'd got to when you weren't in your room."

"Auntie Maggie let me help make you breakfast! I made the toast all by myself! We were gonna make waffles but Auntie Maggie said that we should do it on the weekend instead when we'll have more time."

"Thank you so much, it looks perfectly toasted Zo, well done! We can do waffles on Saturday morning when Uncle Alex comes round, yeah?"

"Yayyy!" Exclaimed Zola and Bailey in unison. Ellis offered a gurgle in response.

Meredith sat Ellis down in her high chair, giving her a cup of milk and some grapes from the fruit bowl. Grapes were quickly becoming her favorite food, she loved the way they popped when she squeezed them between her new set of teeth.

She handed down Bailey a bowl from the cupboard, where he proceeded to pour corn flakes, half going to his bowl, and half on the kitchen table.

"Careful Bay!" Meredith lowered his elbow a few inches in an effort to reduce the spillage.

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