5. Jump in between

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When we reached the hospital Oscar called Griffin's parents to pick him up, while the doctors scolded me for not calling 911 instead.

Griffin was laid down on a bed, he was regaining consciousness. The nurses had cleaned his wounds, he didn't have any significant injuries. His face was pale and blotchy, I could see some color returning. I realized this was the first time I saw his face clearly for the first time, although I wished it was in some better circumstances. He looked beautiful despite all the bruises. I blushed unwillingly.

They put some sort of ointment on my face and it stung but I'd have faced more pain than a bruise for the rest of the week.

I would have stayed for when he woke up if it wasn't for my mom calling me again, demanding me to come home.

"Oscar, can you drop me home real quick?" I tugged at his sleeve. He looked down at me, and told me I should stay here. I told him that I had to go, I couldn't let my family know about this. They would blame Paris for letting me go on my own.

Oscar finally agreed. I gave one last look at Griffin. I left soon after.

The whole ride was quiet. I kept wondering if I made the right decision to interfere. It seemed smart at the moment so why couldn't I help but feel guilty now? I could've made things so much worse for both him and me.

What was I thinking calling Oscar instead of the cops, what if he got hurt too?

He showed up with a fake siren on his car, he said it was the best 20$ he had ever spent.

At least I got him to the hospital, that should count, right?

The next day:

I was looking out of the window when people started entering the classroom. The voices of the people talking built over. I subconsciously hid my bruise even though I had used up as much concealer I could.

"Jones!" I turned my head to an angry Paris, standing at the door. Her voice reverberated through the room, everyone started to look at me. I slouched a little, wishing I could hide under the table.

She told me to come outside. I stood upright and regretted it instantly. I packed up my bag and zoomed across the classroom to avoid people looking at me.

Paris started yelling at me about how rude it was to leave without telling her yesterday. She said that I was trying to make her look like a bad friend by walking alone all the way to my house.

When Paris stopped all of a sudden, I looked up to see what happened.

"What the hell happened to you?" She shrieked at Griffin.

"Hello, to you too, stranger," Griffin said.

It made me snort, which earned a glare from Paris. We haven't officially met with Griffin yet.

"That's Paris, my friend," Oscar chirped. "And-"

"-And you'll be late for your class, Mr. Smith." Mrs. Bush interrupted. I sighed knowing that I wouldn't have to hear from Paris anymore.


The day was going at a slow pace. During lunch, I was in the library. I thought I might as well finish my English assignment while avoiding Paris. So, far only Oscar knew that I got injured too.

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