Chapter 15

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      Charles the whole night alone in his house, he didn't talk to anyone, he didn't call anyone. In fact, he switched off his phone, right after Francesca and Emiliana left the house. He didn't want anyone to reach him. He just wanted to sit there, thinking, why would his beloved wife do such thing to him. He wished every time that he would reach a reason, but he couldn't. He loved her dearly, he would have never abandoned her if she had decided to tell him that she was infertile, but she chose the easiest way out. She took a shortcut.
All of that was going through Charles Conway's mind, as he rested his head on his white, soft pillow. It was almost 3 o'clock in the morning. Spending the whole night overthinking stuff wasn't one of his habits, but that day was an exception.

“I will eventually get tired, and fall asleep, before I know it.” He hissed to himself.

Francesca, on the other hand, was staying at Emiliana's place, who lived fifteen minutes away from Charles' house. She lived along with a Golden Retriever. She insisted that Francesca came and spent the night with her, until figuring out a solution for her problems with her husband Charles.

Francesca didn't smile for the whole day. It was very unlike her. Occasionally, she burst in crying, without stopping. Other times, she just sat there, listening to Emiliana's stories about her dog, and about her work.

“I have an extra room. We will have fun all night. You will be okay, honey. Everything will be okay. Just leave him today, and we will call him tomorrow. He loves you, he will never give up on you. Tell me though, why did you fight?” Said Emiliana, as both friends sat down, in front of the television set, in Emiliana's living room.

“I told him that I met you in Prague. He just never listened. He never listened to me.” Said Francesca, in a very low, sad tone. It was one of the very few times in which she spoke.

I am so sorry, I have caused all of this by saying that we have met here!”

“No, dear. It is not your fault. You just said the truth. I must bear the responsibility. I don't want you to feel bad.” This was the first situation where Francesca has actually smiled in. She cared about her friend very much, that she forgot about her pain and sorrow, even for a few seconds, just to don't let any regret get into Emiliana.

It is not about how I feel, Francesca.” Replied Emiliana, “It is about you. How do you feel right now?”

“My stomach hurts so much.I want my baby as healthy as possible. I am worried about her.” Answered Francesca.

“Yes, I know. It must be tough, carrying a baby and going through all of this. I am sorry, dear.” Said Emiliana, before embracing her friend in her arms.

Francesca's words proved that she was actually pregnant, and that Emiliana knew that very well.

It was quite mysterious why would she tell Charles that she was infertile.

It is rather surprising too, that Charles has immediately believed someone he had just met, without even questioning her. His brain was extremely vulnerable, at the time she told him about Francesca not being pregnant. He was already crushed by the fact that she lied to him, it made his brain in a state of openness and acceptance to all possibilities regarding Francesca. So, when Emiliana told him that his wife smokes heavily, his paranoia peaked, considering the history of Francesca with cigarettes. It was quite possible that she might have been smoking all that time behind his back. Paranoia, then, guided him to actually believe that she might have been lying too about her pregnancy, considering the fact that he has never went to the doctor with her.

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