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Lucy stood in the kitchen, alone. It was well past midnight, but she didn't care. She just needed to figure out how to tell her daughters. She was broken inside. Devastated. But, she couldn't give into that. Her daughters depended solely on her now.

She walked over to the window, and looked out onto the street. It was empty. Moonlight shone, causing shadows. It was strange to think that that moon might not have been there tonight, if it hadn't been for these girls, and for him.

It felt like it hadn't really hit her yet. Like, it hadn't had time to sink in. It hurt, for sure, but it just didn't feel real yet. It still felt like a horrible nightmare that she'd awaken from, and he'd be there to tell her that it was ok, just like he always was.

Except, this time, he wouldn't be.

She should probably try to sleep, but she couldn't. It probably didn't help that she was drinking caffeine right now. She didn't want to sleep. She couldn't bear the dreams that she knew would come. She didn't want to lay down on their bed, not without him next to her.

A raccoon scurried down the street, digging into Jillian's trash cans. Normally, she would love to just sit and watch that happen, but so would he.

Why did everything make her think of him?

Another figure was coming down the street, but it wasn't scurrying like the raccoon. It was slowly hobbling along. It kept coming closer and closer, until it started coming across their lawn.

What on earth could it be? Nothing should be coming here, not at this time of night. But, something about it seemed strangely familiar. Then it hit her.

She bolted for the door, rushing out to their lawn, to see the figure. Sure enough, it was him. She instantly knew why she hadn't recognized him at first. He was broken, bloody. Every movement that he made seemed to cause him pain.

"Oh my gosh, Gru!" She exclaimed. "Come on, let's get you inside."

Even with her assisting him, it was slow progress. But, she didn't care. He was alive. He was alive.

She helped him to the couch, where he laid down, while she got the first aid kit. Since they were spies, they had a pretty hefty one. She rushed back to his side as soon as she grabbed it.

"This is probably going to hurt. I'm going to feel for broken bones." She told him. He nodded.

She felt around. Nothing. That was a huge relief. That meant that he looked a lot worse than he actually was. He was going to be ok.

"This might sting." She said, holding up a q-tip with ointment for his many cuts.

"Thank you." He said softly, as she tended to him. "I know that this isn't your comfort zone."

His wife didn't say anything. That was unusual. Normally, she was pretty open about her emotions, only to him, of course. She didn't refrain from crying, or speaking her mind. It was strange to see her completely silent.

Finally, she spoke.

"The AVL thought that you were dead." She whispered. "I-I thought you were dead."

He didn't say anything.

"So, I don't mind cleaning up your cuts and bruises, just as long as you're here with me." She continued.

He pulled her to him, and gave her a kiss. It hurt a lot to move that much, but he didn't care. He was just thankful to be able to be there with her.

When she thought about it, it had been kinda like a nightmare, and he had still come to tell her that it was ok.

Just like he always did.

Ok, everyone, I have a couple things that I need your guys' help with. I've been kinda going through a writer's block recently. The ideas just aren't flowing like they normally do. I'm struggling to come up with ideas for one-shots, and ideas to plan out a plot line for my next big story. So, I think that what would really help me out, is if everyone who read this would just answer these questions for me in the comments.

1) Of all of my one-shots so far, from either A Day In the Life or Family, which has been your favorite? (You can pick more than one, if you can't decide)

2) If you had to pick an old musical, which would you pick? It has to have come out before the 1980s.

3) What do you like about the stories that I've written so far?

4) What do you dislike about the stories that I've written so far? Or, what could I improve on? (Be honest. I'm trying to improve myself for you guys).

5) If I decided to have a story about a major character dying, would you guys read it? (Again, be honest. I don't want to write about something that everyone will hate).

Thank you! I think that your guys' feedback will be a huge help!

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