First day nerves

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Josie's Pov

   It was my first day of volunteering at the physio centre. As I walk closer to the building I felt a little nervous. I didn’t know how to react around people facing physiotherapy for all sorts of problems. I pulled myself together and walked through the sliding doors. A lady behind the desk looks up and smiles at me.
  ‘Hello’ she greets me cheerily.
   ‘Hi I’m Josie’ I say nervously.
   ‘Oh Josie.  Nice to meet you. You’ll be helping with Lucy today. We’ll get you to sign a couple of forms, and go through you’re application and criminal record checks with you and then we’ll get you meeting some of the people here.’
   ‘Sounds good’ I force a nervous smile.
   ‘Please follow me’ she says and I do what she asks following her into a small room . ‘Lucy will be with you in a few minutes.’ She smiles and leaves.
   I sit in silence looking around at the brightly coloured walls, suddenly a smallish lady pops her head around the door.
  ‘Hi Josie?’ I nod. ‘I’m Lucy Evans, a long term physiotherapist here at the centre. I here you want to be a nurse?’ And I nod again.
   ‘Yes, I’m hoping to study later in the year, I decided to do some work with the community to help with my application.’  I reply.
   ‘Well I’m happy to have you here. You will be shadowing me and helping with paperwork, meeting with some of the people here and just provide a helpful happy atmosphere. Sound good?’ her voice so enthusiastic I can’t help but smile and nod. ‘Good.’

   After an hour of filling out paper work and going through health and safety forms Lucy decides it’s time for me to see the work the centre provides. As we walk down the corridors she tells me briefly about the first person we’re going to see.
   ‘Her name is Taylor. She has been coming here for about 6 months now.’
    We finally reach the room and Lucy knocks on the door. I hear a voice tell her to enter. Lucy pokes her head around the corner asking if it’s ok for me to come in. ‘Sure’ I hear a girl say nonchalantly.
   I walk into the large room and my eyes are drawn to the dark haired girl that is currently sitting on the side of the bed. She looks at me briefly before looking away again.
    ‘This is Josie, she has come to volunteer for a couple of months here at the centre’ Lucy introduces me, I give a small wave.
   ‘Hi Josie, the girl says barely above a whisper.
   ‘Hi’ I reply.
    ‘You two girls must be about the same age’ Lucy says as she sets up some equipment in the corner of the room. I shrug.  I look at Taylor who sits silently.
    ‘I guess. I’m 21’ I add.
     ‘20’ the girl quietly says.
     ‘Wow old’ I chuckle.
     I watch as Taylor makes a small movement and looks up at me. ‘I know right.’ She says more loudly this time. I thought I see a smirk before she looks back away.
      I can’t help but watch as Lucy helps Taylor up off the bed. ‘I can go’ I stutter as I suddenly feel intrusive in the whole situation.
    ‘No stay its fine’ Taylor says as I continue to watch her struggle. ‘It’s nice having an audience. Feels like I’m a catwalk or something’ she smiles briefly.
    ‘Remember to pout at the end then’ I giggle.
    ‘Oh don’t worry you’ll get the entire duck face’ she says pursing out her lips.
    I can’t help but laugh at her face and the girl also bursts out laughing, suddenly the door opens and an older lady walks in. I watch as she takes one look at Taylor and then over at Lucy. I don’t think Taylor has noticed as she just continues laughing. Lucy and the lady grin at each other like they’re sharing some sort of secret. Taylor soon notices the lady before she stops laughing.
     ‘Hey mum. This is Josie’ she says.
      ‘Nice to meet you Josie’ the lady smiles and shakes my hand.
      ‘Anyway I guess I better head off’ I say to Lucy. My time was up for today as much as I wanted to stay.
    ‘You can stay if you want’ Lucy suggests.
    ‘No I need to be somewhere for the rest of today, but I’ll see you in a couple of days.’
    ‘You’ll come and see me again?’ Taylor suddenly asks out of the blue.
    ‘Taylor I’m sure Josie will be very busy….’ Her mum begins to say before being cut off by Lucy.
    ‘Sure she can, Josie will be back in on your next session anyway. We’ll arrange that’ Lucy smiles watching Taylors mums reaction.
    ‘Great’ Taylor grins before settling back onto her bed with Lucy’s help.
    ‘Guess I’ll see you then Taylor’ I smile before leaving.

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