Chapter 8: Questions. So Many Questions pt. 2

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Caden's POV
"What happened to the kids?!" Hally demanded.
"Oh umm... How do we say this? Umm..." I stuttered nervously.
"Well what we're trying to say is that... We may have..." Cory spoke slowly.
"Get to the point!" Hally boomed. Her beautiful, big, blue, gorgeous eyes enlarged with impatience. She blinked and the beauty was momentarily covered by the shield of her eyelashes. Oh those eyes... I could look at those eyes for the rest of my life. Eyes eyes eyes eyes.

My mouth was wide open. I was staring at her, drooling like a lost puppy. I was lost in her eyes. No pun intended. I snapped out of my daydream when I realised she was waving her arms in my face.

"Hello!! Caden!!! Earth to Caden!!" She said trying to get my attention.
"Oh yes umm sorry... What I was trying to say was, we may have given 8 out of 11 kids up for adoption..." I said uneasily.
"WHAT!!" she exclaimed.
"Well... Um... To be fair, you did murder two kids, so you can't really say anything..." Cory said. I facepalmed. Could he be more stupid?
Hally glared at him.
"What did you just say?" She threatened him.
"I'm... I'm... Sorry... Damn you're hot when you're all scary and mean." He commented. She rolled her eyes. Oh my goddd those beautiful orbs in her eye sockets have got me ded. Yes ded. Spelt D-E-D.

"Well, what happened to the other 3?" She snapped, her hands on her hips
"Oh well you know Lulu, she's turning 11 next month... And she secretly had a 15 year old boyfriend that got her pregnant. Okay, don't blame us for this one..." Cory explained.
"Don't blame you? Don't blame you? If I was here, I would've taught her to not be around those kinds of people. I would be more involved in her life. So even if there was a 15 year old bastard trying to get with her, I would've known!!" She screamed.
"Again, we weren't the ones who murdered two innocent children." Cory murmured way too loudly.
"Oh why I oughtta..." Hally began. Finnick and I stepped in between them as Hally tried to attack Cory.
"Calm down you two." Finnick said.
"I'll skin you alive with a cheese grater and I'll draw on what's left with a sharpie you idiot!" Hally threatened.
"I'm scared! Please don't," Cory cried but then his worried face developed into a smirk. "Damn, you really are schmexy when you're mad." She continued on with her death threats spitting out more.

"I'm gonna rip your small intestine out from your mouth, and rip your large intestine from your butthole and use you as a human skipping rope!"

And more.

"Listen, I know where you live and sleep because we live in the same fricking house but I swear, I swear on your soon-to-be grave, that when you're mother's see what I've done to you, they will not be pleased! So ha!"

And more.

"I will dress you up as lettuce and feed you to the snails in the backyard. I guarantee you, it will be a slow and painful death."

After all the arguing I decided that it needed to stop. "By tomorrow, all you'll see is a pile of ash on your bedroom floor because I'll burn your ballsa-"she began.
"Ok that's enough!" I interrupted. "What I was trying to say was, that Lulu moved in with her boyfriend who's parents are fortunately filthy rich. Since he was so sorry that he got her pregnant, he decided to let the other two kids, Donald and Apple, live with them. They're obviously not gonna raise the kids by themselves but with the help of his butler, they'll be able to handle it. Why give those kids up? Well it's because Cory and I lost our jobs because we were too upset to move on from the whole murder thing and we couldn't provide for the kids, so we put them up for adoption and decided to keep 3, that is, until Lulu got preggers. She wanted to get an abortion, but we told her to take responsibility and go on with the pregnancy." I explained.

"Since we lost our jobs, we decided to open a strip club." Cory added.

"BABY GRIND ON MEEE! RELAX YOUR MIND-" the loud music immediately stopped

"Oopsiedaisies! What was I saying again? Oh right! Yeah I'm... I'm... sorry about that duuuudes! Oh and duuuudette!" The guy stumbled with his eyes half open. He tried to walk towards us, but he walked into one of the stripper poles.

"Godammit Mike! You're supposed to be outside with the others!" I yelled.
"Well I just came back for the... The um magical stuff. Cause they don't call me Magic Mike for nothin' " he slurred.
"Okay go outside..." Cory stood up and ushered Mike out the door and sat back down.
"Okay... I get that... But why did I see you guys kiss each other when I walked in?" She questioned.
"I mean, if you guys roll that way, there's nothing wrong with that." Finnick added. I forgot he was even in the room. After he said that, Mike's head popped out from the from door.

"Wait you guys are gay? About time you came out. I thought you would have found Narnia being in that closet for so long. I mean, I've only know you guys for a month, but it's not a shock that you guys finally ya know...  came out." Mike remarked.
"No we are not Mike!" I exclaimed and he hid behind the front door.
"We were just curious about how we felt because we were there for each other when you weren't here. It's not real I promise. Just testing the waters. But more like the water in the bathtub or sink cause it's smaller. I mean come on, this guy?"Cory explained and pointed to me.
"Okay, I'm not sure whether to be offended by that last part, but yeah, when you came back, we missed you so much. You're the one we love. This Finnick idiot has got nothing on #Horaden!" I announced.
"Okay chill. I love her. I've never met anyone like her. She's smart, beautiful, kind... Sometimes. But most of all... She's loving." Finnick said.

"Okay guys calm down. Calm the hell down." Hally calmly said. I stared at Finnick, giving him cunning looks. She's mine. Yep, I'm possessive like that.

"Okay, moving on, how about we move all these stripper poles out of the house. And, say goodbye to your beloved strip club. We're finding everyone a new job or jobs." Hally ordered. We all stood up to start working on it. Even after we just told her that her kids just got sent for adoption, and one of them is pregnant, she's still pretty chill. I love her.

She walked over towards Cory and I, "By the way, I'm still pissed that you have our kids up for adoption and let Lulu get pregnant. I mean I felt all that pain giving birth to those kids and all you nitwits do, is put them up for adoption. Guess who has to cook and do everyone's laundry for the week?" She smirked. Never mind on the chill thing. Never mind.

"I call shotgun on cooking." Cory exclaimed.
"Noo! I don't wanna do laundry! Cory always has poop stains on his underwear!" I yelled.
"I love you guys, but you're pathetic." She chuckled and walked away to the living room.

"Oh my gosh, look at that butt" Cory smiled- his eyes looking at her buttocks.
"Perv" I said.

Author's note: hello there. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I honestly don't even know what to say about. I just kinda rushed it because I've been busy so, if there are any unanswered questions, feel free to tell me. So yeah...

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