Dare, huehuehuehue. HEICHOU!

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Everyone except Levi and Me: Wtf.

"I dare everyone to watch a horror movie" Dude's username who I totally forgot.

Levi: Tch

Armin: *faints already*

Christa: Ar-Armin?

Ymir: He's fine Christa! *glares at the fainted Armin*

Eren: TITANS!!!!

Hanji: *laughs maniacally*

Me: *teleports everyone to the theater where that wish movie is in and puts a pile of $100 at the counter.

During the movie

Me: *asleep during the beginning*

Eren: *eyes wide open for jumpscare and blushing while Annie is holding on to him*

Mikasa: *saying Eren the whole time*

Christa: *hiding under the seat*

Ymir: *killing Titans*

Armin: *still fainted*

Movie is over

Me: Awesome good night sleep!

Eren: It was noon!

Me: I don't care!

Annie: *still hanging on to Eren*

Mikasa: *sleeping in her own drool*

Levi: Tch

Armin and Christa: *fainted on the floor*

Me: Bai!

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