Chapter 18- Parties and Lost Hair

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"Let's party!" Bryan yelled. 

We won the game.

"Alright, let's all calm down. The party is at nine, and you're all invited," Troy yelled to the crowd of students from Winchester High. People cheered and clapped while Kelsey and I sighed.

Just great. Party at our house. A bunch of teenagers smelling like beer and talking to walls. Sounds lovely and quite eventful.

Anytime there was a party at ours, we had to clean up the mess and even take some lonely people back to their houses, which was hard sometimes when they forget where they lived. The whole party scene was just a lot more work than fun.

"Wanna be my date?" Kels asked.

"Well, duh. Who else is gonna go with you?" I replied.

"Don't flatter yourself, tiger. Now let's go."

My dad dropped Kelsey, Lynette and I at home and went to the museum for the night. He never stays when there's a party. His one rule was that the house should be spotless, and everyone must be sober by the time he was back. Surprisingly, we all accomplished the law every time there was a party.

Sighing, I grabbed Kels's hand and dragged her into the house. The boys had already set up snacks and drinks and pushed the couches over, so there would be enough space for sweaty teenagers to gum their bodies together. I really disliked parties. It's not like it wasn't fun; it's just that it was the same routine.

Drunk teenagers grinding and talking to inanimate objects. The occasional almost rape scene, which personally made me want to kill someone. The girls trying to get the boys they are in love with to sleep with them. And many many more calamities in just one dreadful night. What more could I ask for?

They got the speakers and started playing music really loudly. "We have neighbors, you know!" I yelled over the music.

"Oh yeah. They're invited if they wanna come too. I mean, no one is left out," Bry said, earning a sigh from everyone.

"I'll turn down the music a bit," Jason said.

Not up to thirty minutes did teenagers start barging into our house yelling and tripping over each other. People grabbed drinks and food, stuffing it into their mouths while talking.

Kelsey smiled at me and dragged me over to the dance floor. I grunted but danced with her regardless. Out of nowhere, Brandon sneaked an arm around her waist. 

"Mind if I steal my girl?"

"Have fun!" I winked, watching as they walked to the other side of the room, whispering to one another. 

I walked to the stairs by the living room, taking two steps and looking over the entire floor. Lynette was whispering something into Jason's ear, all the way at the end of the room. Bryan was entertaining some girls I knew he wouldn't talk to tomorrow. Troy and Jessica were on the dance floor, their lips glued together. Gross.

I squinted my eyes, trying to spot Josh, but he was nowhere to be found. I groaned when I looked more and still couldn't see him. He said he was stopping at his house for a second then coming for the party, but he wasn't here yet. 

I walked down the steps taking out my phone to text him. "Hey," a voice said behind me. I turned to come face to face with Rico and his cheeky smile. 

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