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Ever since I was a child I could do something no one else could. Water, I can control water. Wether it's making tiny waves, or playing a prank on my friends, water obeys my commands. It's almost like it's a part of me. But there's one thing that sorta ironic, I have Thalassophobia, the fear of the ocean, or other large body's of water.

Ever since I was young I hated going to the beach or to lake's. My father told me when I was very young, him, my mother, twin sister and I had gone on a boat ride. My father said that me and my sister were barely crawling, yet we loved the water. It was a clear day, but it all changed so fast. A harsh storm had rolled in before they had turned to row back to shore. The waves were high and merciless, they swept my mother, me, and my sister off the boat.

My father was only able to save me. It hurts to see him as he holds back tears, he had loved my mother so very much. But it didn't seem to me he blamed himself, more as he blamed the seas. I have memory's of water, all around me, yet I'm not drowning, I see a face, it's that of an angel. The face a a small nose and plump lips, it's brown hair flowing as it sinks away from me. In the memory those crystal blue eyes never leave mine, they seem to plead my safety, there the eyes of a mother. But then I'm being pulled up towards the sky, after that the memory, or dream, fades.

The dream is strongest after I've used my gift, or been near the ocean. I've always wondered if my sister would have been able to control water as well. I shake my head slightly coming back from my daydreaming and continue taking notes on my phone as my dad drones on about one of the world wars, I don't remember which it is. I've been homeschooled for as long as I can remember. We love quit far from the nearest town with a school, so it's just easier to teach me from home.

After my lessons I go to my room and grab my skateboard and beanie. I'm going to meet someone I meet online, I know, I know, don't meet with people you know online. But he claims to be my age, and to have the powers I have. If he really does I can't pass up this opportunity tolerance more about myself.

"I'm going to the skate park Dad!" I yell to my father as I exit my room and bound down the stairs.

"Okay, be safe!" He replies

"I will!" I huff back as I close the front door

After walking down the front steps of my little cottage home, I hop onto my skateboard and ride toward town. The guy I'm meeting says he doesn't live to far from the town we're meeting in. It only takes twenty minutes to get there on my stake board and he said it's about thirty minutes by car for him. Yeah twenty minutes is quit awhile away but when you see where I live, it's like a four minute walk in theory.

I look out on the ocean as I ride. We live on a really steep hill above the ocean, there's a small path not far from our house that leads to the beach. My dad goes down there a lot, to remember my mother I think. I can't deny I love where we live, it's gorgeous. Our little
cottage house is the only one for miles, and the ocean helps with the whole, isolated beauty look.

Before I know it the first buildings of town are appearing on the horizon. It doesn't take long to get to the small cafe, me and this guys agrees to go to. He says he's seventeen like me. What worries me is that the only people on the cafe and a couple of middle aged men, and an old lady who lives down the road.

I go to the counter and order my usual, which is a carnal latte with extra whipped cream. Trying not to look to suspicious I take a seat in the corner of the room and take out my phone. As I'm typing nothing special into my blog page the bell of the shop door rings.

An attractive guy about my age walks in and scans the shop he sees me. I look and him with curious eyes, our determined signal was going to be a nod. The boy nods slightly as he walks to the counter, and I nod back. A smile crosses my face as I read the back of his jacket. It reads: darken your cloths and strike a violent pose.

I had mentioned nothing of the bands I like to him so I know he didn't wear it for show. I think I'm going to lol this guys, there aren't many kids  my age around here anyway. A friend is long overdue and much needed.

The boy orders a drink and comes over to sit at the table I'm at. He smiles and reaches his hand across the table.

"Hi! I'm Atlas, it's nice to meet you!" He says happily

"Nice to meet you to, I'm Athena." I replied in a cool tone.

"Hey our names have the same first letter! That's cool!" Atlas says

"Yeah, I guess so." I say smiling.

"By the way I like your jacket. I love My Chemical Romance!" I say pointing to his jacket

"Really? You know what I think we're gonna be fast friends!" Atlas says cheerfully

"Yeah. I think we will be." I say quietly as Atlas pulls me out of the cafe and toward the beach.

I would normally hate going to the beach. But with Atlas I don't really mind. Don't get me wrong, I'm not getting in the ocean. But I don't mind the beach anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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