guys introduction....

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Jack POV
We've been undercover acting  like highschool student for 2 years now, last night we broke in DDS to steal the files of the agents real identities pitch's been searching for the agency for years and now that he finds them he plans on taking them out one by one. My names jack frost I'm apart of the world's most feared gang the nightmares runned by our leader pitch black I didn't choose to be a nightmare but when my family died I was found and taken in by pitch who taught me how to fen for my own I was just a child back then, but I wasn't the only one pitch took in about 12 of us along with my 3 best friends hiccup, kristoff and Flynn who are orphans who ran away we've been training ever since
Jack frost
Found by pitch on street after parents death ( killed in a car accident ) the ability to fly and control wind and ice at his will
Kristoff ( can't spell last name sorry)
Run away orphan found by pitch the ability of earth ( never knew his parents)
Hiccup haddock
Turned a Orphan after his parents death he ran away and was found by pitch has the ability to turn into a dragon.
Eugene (Flynn)
He was a town thief he was found by pitch after he was sentence to prison after villagers caught him stealing has the power to multiply in 100.
We are the best of the nightmares all the us nightmares are trying to track down DSA agents order given by pitch.

We were in math class throwing papers at each other when the class room door open to 4 girl these look like trouble" hiccup mumble as we all smirked at the thought there kinda cute though

Hey guys I'm updating in about 3 hours so stay tune brb or longer

bad baby girls( Jelsa Mericcup Etc.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora