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It shouldn't be like this
It was never meant to be

He served for Heavan
But got lost in Hell
And now here he is
Scratching at his skin

Red blood drips
Tear stained cheeks
Nothing will cover
The scars that remain

He was once called an Angel
One of many
But now here he sits
With charcoal covered fingers
And wings that cover the floor

He wasn't crazy
He was sane
All he wanted to see
Was those green eyes again

Once and Angel
Now a man
He now understands
What it's like to be mad

But was he mad?
Was he sad?
Or maybe he was glad
Because no matter what happened
He was happy to play 'Sorry'
With hazel and green eyes

It might not be much
But having two hunters
Is better then having many Angels


'What for?'

'Because you lost them...'

'But I have you, Dean, that's all I'll ever need.'

Words fell like honey
Skin broke like a mirror
All he ever wanted was a family
But he got more then that

He got
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
   Charlie Bradbury
  Kevin Tran

And there were so more.

So many that he couldn't count them.

He got what he wanted
A family

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